450 Health
30 Armor
30 Shield
15% Cooldown Reduction
2.5 Energy Regen
Passive: Your heals and barriers are 20% stronger
Passive: Your heals and barriers also grant other allied heroes bonus movement speed for 2s. (10s cooldown per hero)
Guess my question is this, does fortified health constitute a barrier? I’m assuming yes as Nivemett mentioned this item being useful on hero’s like Phinn (his B ability). If this is the case is it not going to become a mandatory item on hero’s like reim and Kensei who have fortified health and barriers? If so will it not make them tanky monsters? A 20% buff to Reims fortified health is a huge deal…
If it does affect fortified health, it is 20 percent of what Reim is already getting, not a +20% ratio. Did I read what you are trying to say correctly?
I see this as a mainly support item, as it also increases heals you give. However with the current state of armor, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it on Reim. It has cooldown stuff, some extra health, and a bit of armor to help make WP not quickly destroy you. But still Aegis must be used for reflex block, so it will replace MJ.
Copied from: https://brokenmyth.net/vainglory-update-3-4-new-items/
Capacitor Plate costs 2100 gold and builds out of Dragonheart and Chronograph. It provides 15% cooldown reduction, 30 shield, 30 armor, and 450 bonus health along with two powerful passives.
First Passive: 20% increase to any barriers, healing, and fortified health that the hero has or applies with their abilities or items.
Second Passive: Applying barrier, healing, or fortified health to an ally grants them bonus move speed for 2 seconds with a 10 second cooldown.
It looks like the speed benefits allies, but the 20% increase benefits anyone. BM article recommends this on several non-Captains. I really want to try this on Ozo. His base heal of 100 on TRC with 3 hits is 300. His perk is 25% and CapPlate is 20% for 45% more healing. That takes his 300 to 435. Add a SM and I think he is going to be super strong next patch. I could even see a weird SM, SpellSword, BP, CapPlate, Aegis, HC build. That hits the 45% CDR cap. That gives him a 2.7 sec TRC which I suspect will out heal the SM, TM, TM build over a longer fight.
Plate should make CP Ozo quite strong as well. The combo of defensive stats, CDR, and heal/barrier boosts will help him last longer in fights, use his abilities more often, and make Acrobounce slightly safer to use, all just from a single item, which is really amazing.
Rona FH isn’t capped? Idris barrier isn’t capped? Aegis > any other defense, but I think MJ is dead on some heroes due to SH and some of the new items.
the new items are cool and all but it’s just a little much that now once again, any hero without a gap closer or movement speed bonus gets screwed, again/:
Yes capacitor plate definitely works on ozo. I run some tests in the practice mode where I bought serpents mask at first and I auto attacked the middle treant. I was getting back 16 heal for every auto attack. Then I bought capacitor plate and my heal went up to 19… same goes for 3 ring circus. I didn’t notice any difference on tony’s or idris barrier though… we already know this item synergies with lyra ,phinn,Ardan and adagio. I have no idea about the rest of the hero’s though…