Can we talk about Ambient Gold?

The jungle ambient gold needs to go down from 85% to 60% just like in the lane. The experience split for two people needs to go down from 85%/75% to 75%/65%. These numbers are high enough to encourage teaming farming without a solo top player being punished.

Playing top side doesn’t mean it’s not mirrored. It’s different point of view, map can still be mirrored. I don’t play LoL but as far as I know unlocked camera on PC is a thing. On mobile have you tried it? The only one I’ve seen use it sometimes is Willy and 99.9% of the people would never be at his level so that’s something.

i think the term “mirroring” is being mis-understood.

from a programming point of view:
I’m talking about the fact that VG always places you on Blue side (bottom), regardless of the “point of view”. This is more than just for “win statistics”. it’s because of load times and processing power.

LoL doesn’t do this. being placed at top side, you start from top side. The term “mirroring” literally means to be placed on the bottom, even thou you are in fact top.

The symmetry of map objectives comes under a completely different term altogether. I can understand how “map symmetry” can be seen as a type of “mirroring”.

Mirroring? Map or camera mirroring? LoL’s map can be mirrored but it’s camera not. VG has both mirrored and it’s because it’s very hard to play when half of your vision is cut out.

i have this problem when i play LoL and i’m top side. I’m still not used to the “free camera” mode.

Ambient gold is the reason behind the 2v1 meta in the sidelanes, i agree that vg lacks comeback mechanics but junglers camp bot lane because they get their bot laner fed out of control, if it wasn’t to ambient gold junglers would have the entire map at their disposal and both sidelanes would play on an equal playing field.

  1. Increase healing treant aggro towards ally turret.
  2. 300 gold for people who last hit Ghostwing, 50 for people nearby and none globally.
  3. Create a Smite item which has cooldown reduction and nothing else.
  4. ???
  5. Profit.

Basically means it should be bot v bot unless you wanna be snowballed because enemies keep getting Ghostwing. Ambient gold isn’t removed so the game ends still relatively at the same speed. Rotations from mid laner highly encouraged. And a true top lane for them to duel it out and build tank. Smite item can be a comeback item or a snowball item depending on the way you use it. Bot lane might wanna pick it up to secure last hit or enemy captain might pick it up to deny gold for the enemy. we can make nullwave into something useful if you know what i mean

Vainglory has a different camera angle, but the jungle is set up the same. Your red buff jungle is across from the enemy blue buff jungle, and your blue buff jungle is across from the enemy red buff jungle.

The only difference is that the League of legends lane meta revolves around the major objectives. Top lane is not nearby any major objectives early game so you solo lane there. Bottom Lane is nearby an early game objective so you commit two players there.

In vainglory the lane meta revolves around the nearby jungle, if in LoL you put your adc near the weapon buff every game you would have the same mismatched meta as VG. It’s just that’s not what informs your lane choices.

You’re referring to map symmetry. All moba’s do it. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.

You referred to the Vainglory map as “mirrored” to save processing power. Vainglory map is fully rendered just like any PC MOBA, the mirroring (which is isn’t) is merely the camera position. The camera for B side players is turned 180* in relation to A side players making both players look like they are playing from the bottom left. This does not save processing power, in fact, it means you have to render all sides of objects fully, while League of Legends is only ever shown from one direction meaning they can save processing power by only showing stuff the player will ever see, the half obscured by the POV of the player doesn’t actually exist.