Can we go back to roots

As a moba lover and player I am very disappointed with the current state of games. Most games are all 5v5 and 3v3 yet no one has decided to go back to the beginning to 4v4. Now I don’t ask for the 4v4 to be 3 lanes like aeon of strife but something like a two lane and jungle between. I feel this would bring a new spin back to MOBA genre. This would also would allow you a median to balance hereos.

Ps: sorry for spelling and grammar


Maybe in another 2 years lol…


Blitz: 4v4 with new map without lanes only jungles and miners or other monsters.
I hope that.

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5v5 just officially released a month ago, and already you want a new gamemode :1

how many players do you think would play 4v4 over 5v5 and 3v3? remember 5v5 is what drove many people to switch from aov/ml to vg. then think how much this would split the playerbase (which i assume is too smol, but hey i have no data), then how long it would take to make this, so much time spent on this rather than improving what we already have.


I’d be happy if SEMC went back to their own roots, and provided a product optimized for mobile devices.

And by that I mean touch controls that register correctly, and buttons big enough to actually use on Smartphone screens.


I meant back to moba roots XD :palm_tree:

Oh yeah, I got that. It’s just that -in my opinion- a lot of things are in dire need of fixing, before SEMC embark on new large scale projects.
Because, let’s face it, so far 5vs5 is not exactly a success story. It could be, with a lot more optimization and polish, but as it stands, there are more bugs than features.


Yes but the biggest bug of them all is the players that haven’t played a 5v5

Soon™ coming to Vainglory…

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I’d love to see a cool map with a heavier/wider lane requiring two heroes to run it along with a single hero lane and jungle too. That could be very fun!


Just imagine a lane with two sets of minions running down it and the dynamics it could create:

  • pulling the two minion groups into each other
  • Pushing one and letting the other stall
  • Trying to let one hero hyper level that mega-lane but the rest of the team suffers

You could even have three lanes that become two lanes (two converge to make a larger one) in the middle so that when one gets pushed and turret taken, then the lanes split. Or visa versa, they start split but as you get pushed back, it becomes fewer lanes to deal with, consolidating where your team fights are, etc.

I think there is a lot that could be done here.


Love these ideas. This is the sort of thing (NEW MAPS! NEW GAME MODES!) I think VG has needed for the last 2 years … what we got was … Onslaught :poop:


wait was 4v4 the orignal moba?

Yes the original Moba was a StarCraft map mod aeon of strife


Yeah because adding 5v5 helped que times so much.

It was more of something for balancing purposes even if it was just a mode for pbe at first until bugs are smoothed out and playerbase is there

Playin Cap in 5v5 be like… I know the feeling buddy, I know the feeling.

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As much as I’d love to see a 2 lane map, whether 3v3, 5v5 or even 4v4, @ANGERY is right. It would split the playerbase, which at the moment at least really isn’t big enough. If Vainglory really took off, which I think it will if SEMC market it properly (seriously I could go on for hours about why touchscreen gaming is the future) then maybe. But as of yet, VG just isn’t ready.

They could develop it still for internal balancing purposes even get rid of bugs in it during the process. During that time fix more game issues and when vainglory hits more players from fixing issues release it

they should go 4v4 route instead of 5v5

or since 5v5 is alreadyreleased, maybe they should convert 3v3 to 4v4 (in the future ofc) by adding another lane in halc fold

it’s easier to balance 4v4/5v5 compared to 3v3/5v5

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