Becoming the next oOYukiOo

Im doing a 100% winrate blitz on a smurf to break the blitz leaderboard.
Its a completely new account with barely any heroes and talents so ill have to make do with what i have and whats on the free hero rotation.
So far, 31 wins and i got from 1100 elo to 1852.

Why you ask? Idk whats the difference between this and those 1 hero only to vainglorious runs?


You don’t have talents there and yet you win.
Isnt that proving that talents are okay?


No im jus good bububububububububububububububu 30 chars


But no its definitely gonna be hard tho since im using the non talents blitz meta instead of the talents meta. Ill just have to be very careful not to snipe the other hardcore blitz grinders.

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What happens if you lose? Could you post a video of one of your game? I’m curious to see how come you’re so good lol.

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Bleet montega


I haven’t laughed this hard all week, thank you

The hard part is at 2300 points, which is when you start fighting tryhards.

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That Krul talent is ridiculous lol

54 wins, 2133 elo. Yay lv 4 alpha rare.

And heres another bugged account noice

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More like the next YAMIEC lol …

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