Balance changes issue

Nah, just simply nerf her dmg, or stun duration in her B and boom she’s balanced


To be fair her stun duration when overdrived is pretty long…

Stun Duration down to 1.3 seconds


CP ratio of Supernova down from 200 to 180

BOOM balanced

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Problem is no one would ever overdrive her B and her stun without overdriving is 1s. That’s longer than Catherine and Glaive.

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Her stun should be 0.45 and 0.7 when overdriven.
Idk I just hate her so much because I can’t play her well lol

lols her stun shouldn’t be so short for the following reasons.

Celeste relies completely on her stun to stay alive when she is ganked. Making it too short will make her to easy to counter when it is already difficult enough to land her stun

The stun is already difficult to land when the enemy is chasing you. Me as a Celeste main myself took a long time to master the positioning of her core collapse for it to actually land. Missing it is actually horrible because it has a long cooldown, making celeste vulnerable for the next 6 seconds.

So it shouldn’t be nerfed too much. I would rather nerf her scaling on her supernova slighly because no other hero in the game has such a spammable ability with such high CP ratio. It should be 180 or 170 and then it will be acceptable.

@idmonfish didn’t you already explain they do it in a previous post with @LamDumbasspro

Edit: yes he did

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Yes, nerf her one way or another
But lets be real, her B is the strongest defensive skill among all mid laners, her dmg potential puts every mages to shame, with just 1 ult she can make the entire team back off or turn the tide of teamfights. Even Lorelai’s stun isn’t that long and has more delay to it

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Problem is the balancing is deteriorating over the years. You can check old patches and compare 'em to the current ones.

You are essentially Baron CP 2.0 because your A is a hitscan, your B is engage instead of evade and your ult is easier to aim and it deals a shit ton of damage.

I think the change to subtler balance nerfs or buffs shows a progression, and a great one at that, instead of a deterioration.

Also Celeste is not OP. Well played, she is a menace in mid lane but I would argue the amount of viable counters keep her relatively in check. She’s a high skill hero, which means higher tiers play her well. However, higher tier players know how to outplay her just fine. I don’t know about you, but her A animation is pretty easy to dodge if you’re watching the ground, her B is easy to dodge and usually predictable and her ult is the easiest ult to dodge or RB. Also, most can see the ring of her range and know which already-placed As to avoid. Simply, she’s ban-worthy but not nerf-worthy


IF used aggressively, I agree. A good ping and a mobility ability can get you out of almost every B. However, if used defensively, it’s quite difficult to actually dodge. A good Celeste will be able to hit most melee divers by placing it at the end of their first dash. This forces them to either pop a RB OR to use another mobility ability (if they CAN use another mobility ability). This basically forces divers to spend extra resources to dive Celeste compared to other mages (Skaarf only really needs boots, Varya needs to channel, Baron exclusively has one escape and can be punished easily afterwards, ect.).

If you have the correct vision, then yes. Long range Celeste ults aren’t particularly hard to dodge. But in teamfights, Celeste ult is often impossible to dodge, and it chunks incredibly hard. And considering that Celeste and many of her teammates require your RB to dodge their CC, it’s often not a good idea to RB it, or your RB won’t be up.

Celeste does have counters (such as BF or Taco), but she is so oppressive against characters she counters/should be neutral against that it’s insane.

Also seriously I’ve killed/been killed from 80% with/by her ult before that thing is not okay.

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Problem is the part well-played and she’s a menace right there. You see, us T6S-T7Gs have watched a lot of pro vids to learn and we have learned to master 1 hero and when you master Celeste, she’s straight up OP. And besides, Celeste’s counters have always been away from the Rise or the Fold. Every damn counter has been banned or now is too weak to play. Amirite @ThePinkOtter ?
Btw the deterioration here is that we don’t have explainations for the buffs and nerfs. Sometimes the buffs/nerfs are just stupid but they don’t give us explainations.

I’d say the best counter you can ACTUALLY GET in soloQ is Blackfeather, but he isn’t particularly consistent. He’s a great target to camp since he’s melee, squishy, and doesn’t have a real escape till level 6. Compared to a character such as Celeste, he has way more weaknesses and can’t really be picked early.
Koshka and Krul can possibly gank a Celeste to stop her getting to late game, but mid laners have the safest lane from ganks and Celeste doesn’t need to play aggressively. If needed, a Celeste can just farm under tower and be relatively safe throughout the game.

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Wp grace counters Celeste

This text will be blurred

Although a powerhouse, WP grace has difficulties into Celeste. This is because of how predictable her dash is, and how she only has one mobility ability. It’s very easy to simply put down a B and then run away, and boots if needed. After this, she can generally rely on her team to dissuade any further dives.
Plus, if you try to lane against Celeste as WP Grace, she’s one of the very few characters that can actually zone and trade against you, because of how ridiculous her damage is, so it’s much more difficult to gain an early advantage against her than a laner such as Vox.

Did you guys watch the game between hammers and TSM? Hammers easily won draft, getting the Ardan-Celeste-Krul combo that’s so deadly, yet they lost hard, in part because of how hard their Celeste was shut down (and Chuck completely outtraded her with his Samuel). A lot of the reasons why people want her nerfed is either they can’t play her or they can’t deal with her. Every assassin is good into her, most mid laners outtrade her early (in fact I’d say all except cp Idris) and she’s very vulnerable to heavy dive like Fortress, Rona, BF. She will also lose 1v1 to ADCs so if she’s caught out she’s pretty much toast.

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Problem here is in 5v5, most ADCs are too busy splitpushing bot lane and by the time they have taken the first turret, it’s already at the 7th minute. Celeste is OK at that point. And bro, every diver is also helping bot lane successfully push the first turret within that 7 minutes.
Btw, assasins are good into every laner so we can throw that aside.

I’m sure they take into consideration ban, pick and win rates for hero’s when they make balance changes.

Celeste doesn’t have an unusually high win rate in fact she’s not in the top 5 on any server. She’s also not on the top 5 ban rate for any server, sure she gets played a lot, sure she is a spam monster late game with huge DMG, but seems none of this has made her OP. It’s not a case of pick Celeste and win, she is very squishy, not especially mobile and if targeted doesn’t last long in team fights.

Personally enjoy the fact she is back in the meta, she’s not been a top lane choice for months.


Samuel has lower pick rate and win rate than Celeste and somehow he gets a nerf while Celeste is untouched
I have lots of things to say that ur wrong but Idk how I can describe my idea. My guild mates and friends are surprised when Cel gets no nerf

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Celeste is near 100% pick/ban rate in the VGL for good reason: the pros know how to play her. She was a meta carry before(2.7) so they learned her. The also know how dangerous she is in the right hands.

But in lower tiers, she is quite laughable because of her high skill cap in the terms of landing her a and running away from dives. She only starts to become a threat at T6(where I am atm) where players who play her actually know how to play her and they know how to counter pick her counters.

This all in all makes her winrate pretty balanced. There are still counters of celeste who aren’t off meta like BF and her potential is insane but we also have to remember that Malene is coming out next patch and she may change the mage meta forever, we don’t know.

So I think it was a good idea to for SEMC to let her stay where she is. The meta might shift violenty with Malene’s introduction to the Sovereign’s Rise.

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