Anyone wanna party with me for event?

So I hear there are more rewards for the event then just the Idris skin so I’d be interested in it if anyone wanted to party with me because I’m not about to put my faith in matchmaking. I wanna at least have a 3 man team for 5v5 but ofc five is preferred. We don’t have to do all 12 if someone has to leave ofc and it’s Ok if we lose all 3 I won’t be mad so please don’t be toxic. No toxic people. I’m tier 8 gold right now but I personally don’t care about rank though. HMU if interested.

Edit: I also run on Eastern standard time in NA and got work from 6pm-12am fyi. I stay up to 2:00 am

I was going to say yes, but then noticed you’re in NA… i also need to party up for any chance of hitting 12 wins.

SEA players~! lets GO~!

I’m SEA, what’s your IGN?

Also casuals rn are super sweaty I keep getting paired with previous season VG golds :confused: not much fun for me (9 bronze) I just hope I get someone good to carry me lol

SEA HERE BISH! my ign is TadashiN