Another 5v5 complaint

you can adjust the time for the timezones. it doesnt have to be as short as possible.
and i really doubt that shift workers are getting a worthwile rank experience or make up a notable part of the playerbase.

Actually some of the best matches I have had are on weird times like from 12-4am and sometimes 10am-12pm


thats nice, but useless for the discussion about it.
not all games at weird times are going to be bad, but most of them will be. if i play 10 blitz games a day, i get at least one really good and fun game, but that doesnt make blitz good. for that it would need to produce way more good games than just a few. or some.

in the end, only semc has the data needed to make a decision on this. maybe all that would be needed is a timeframe for high tier games or 5 man groups (or, if you dont like the idea of not being able to play ranked at a certain time, give out more rewards at certain times to help the matchmaker. like 20 essence every ranked game between 3 and 23 o clock)

another possibility would be that the matchmaker simply cant work with all the players and is still unable to make the best matches with the players qing up…

past 12am is called the Gamer’s hour. HC gamer’s treat it like lunch time.

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Would be useless but majority of my games in any mode are during weird times

I 100% agree with this, I find the best matches are 12-2am… bizarre as this sounds, guess all those toxic kids are asleep.

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