Announcing: VG Community Edition

One of the zillion questions so far unanswered due to the lack of any meaningful details about how this will work. However, as SEMC intend to continue to maintain total control over the server-side code, presumably the same mechanisms they currently use to detect & prevent cheating will continue as well.

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lol well dodging and trolling will be the thing to officially kill off this game anyway. SEMC tried to take it somewhat seriously…too late. Is what it is.

I will share my experience last time I tried to play few days ago: 3 times full draft and dodge at match start. And none of the teams got insanely bad picks, actually they where decent and fairly matched with all positions filled. Exited at that point after wasting 30-40 minutes of my free time. This game is finished, sadly imho.

lol i had a game last night where we lost first top and bot turret and my whole team quit. It was surreal, seeing all 4 players throw their hands up like that lmao.

Yeah it’s been a big issue. I have been able to get some alright games in, but I’d say 1/3 of long form games (blitz is better) have an AFK>

Original announcement :arrow_right:

Translation: we can’t afford to pay artists to do this, so we’ll give you EXPOSURE … :roll_eyes: Same :poop: artists have to deal with all the time.


Never got a twitter, can you suggest them to create a pool with all the splash arts with moving elements they used to create every update for a period of time when they still tried to lift off VG? So we can pick one of those, I recall all of them looked great and more alive… also possible suggestion is if they could do it so a random one of them is chosen when loading the game or selectable from the settings.

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They only ever provided us with the very first animated splash, which was Kinetic:

(That’s a low res version, of course, due to Discourse’s fussing about GIF sizes. Well, it won’t embed anyway, so I linked to a higher res version.) I wish they’d provided the others, as several of them were quite cool (e.g., Silvernail’s).

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They prolly have them all still, so using them all with random one loading at game start or selectable in the settings menu would be the best option. They adds a lot to the menu and feel tbh, was quite disappointed when they stop doing them and prefer every one of them vs static one.

I agree – I thought that they were pretty well done, considering that they were made from 2D still images.

Also, since they’ve stated they’re working on cleaning up the client, I wish they’d go back to the “classic” VG UI, complete with the original Northwood High font … so much more character than the current mess.

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This one is an obvious one. If I have the full choice, I would literally revert to the old UI without any exceptions (minus the new game modes when you hit play ofc). Hahahah so many good ideas killed… do you remember the season wheel? :slight_smile:

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Ahhh, the sunlight wheel! :sunny_happy_3:

:arrow_up: The original announcement of the sunlight system in June 2016


Tracey King’s model for the sunlight wheel

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Was awesome… as progression, as idea, as visuals + loved the seasons pictures in the middle…

They literally removed so many good ideas in the game (gameplay wise, UI wise, progression wise, cards) and replaced it with generic things or nothing at all. Instead of further separation from the rest, moving closer to them.


Now I don’t even know why community cannot make new characters when it’s community edition. Are they still clinging to property rights when the game is barely holding on?

Yeah, their approach is … difficult to understand, to put it mildly.


Tbh I’m all in for Neko’s and other artist who made fantastic artwork for this game to show at home screen. Just keep on rotating the artworks.

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22 posts were split to a new topic: SEMC’s Community Art Contest

@Xhaos - get in on this!? You have some great work already. :vgcheersx2:

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Nah. Even though @DIMTI said he was done drawing. I say his “final” piece has to be making a new homescreen. :potoo:

Just kidding, or am I? But I would love to seem Xhaos’ art if he ever did one. Cuz ofc it would top quality like his others works

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I’m certainly open to doing more drawings, as my “ending” to the hero drawings wasn’t a definite thing for me drawing completely, but I don’t really plan on drawing anything for the contest. I doubt that I would get very high in the voting (especially compared to other artists in the community) and SEMC would actually be fine with my “art” being the first thing that everyone sees when opening the game.