Analysis: How many matches are surrendered?

Should be changed to like it’s in 3vs3 for the first votes.

@shutterfly any chance of an update on the surrender rate and afk rate in 5v5 perhaps a week after global release?

My sense is that its huge right now (having had 2 out of the 9 games I played yesterday end via a vaincrystal being destroyed and one of those only because by 5 minutes there were 4 afks on the opposing team so we closed it out in 11 minutes. But I’d love some data.


Yeah, it’s afk and surrender fest right now… :confused:

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I think I’m guilty as part of that number of 5v5 surrenders. It really gets me down hard when we lose like 4 people and then blackclaw gets spawned. I actually feel a bit better not giving up in 3v3, maybe just because there’s more of a chance for a return in that imo? I feel alot more capable of stopping 2 heroes and a weakened kraken, then 5 heroes and a blackclaw. The odds feel pretty heavily stacked when they’re breaking into the spawn with that, makes it easy to wanna quit.

Played 3 games of 5v5 yesterday. All ended well. All wins. Love it. All surrendered on the enemy side… But it was an obvious win for us.

Just another piece of information to add to the analysis.

It is still early to tell:

“sample size” is in players per match, so e. g. if you had a sample size of 100 ppm in 5v5 that would be 10 matches, while 60 ppm in 3v3 are 10 matches.


This is what frustrates me about this game more than anything else: that players give up much too easily.


Okay so yes thats too small a sample to tell us definitively yet - but it seems to be holding around the 2.12 level rather than getting worse which is at least a little reassuring.

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Seems fair to me…

What’s your issue?

Exactly what I said: people give up too easily. I am not a quitter by nature, and I dislike surrenders intensely.


I have 2 issues

  1. I hate that other people can force me to surrender - they signed up for the game and they should finish it.
  2. Most quitters quit well before the game is over - there is ample room for comebacks in 5v5 (I have seen a team come back from a 15000 gold deficit) so most of the time they are quitting when if they stuck it out there was a chance of winning.

Seeing DNZio and FlashX post 13 min long videos is worrisome. Hopefully rank will be the solution.

I think rank will bring down the surrender rate - it does significantly in 3v3.

I have been against forced surrender forever too.
They blame the guy who wants to keep playing. They say he is the troll…


People call 5v5 VG is moba of AFK, my last 5 battle all battle my mate or enemy have player AFK or surrender…
Cannot enjoy the play 5v5 game…

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I am seeing less surrenders here of late. Still getting the people who want to surrender, but the rest of the team holds on, that person leaves and the matches are still really close, if not a win 4v5… Hopefully folks are seeing that the tides on the Rise are fickle and change easily. Sticking it out can very easily be worth the wait.


Full of afk players, almost no match without AFK and also 3-4 VG players vs 3 totally new players that try the game for the first time in my team (I am tier 8 silver - t9 silver). The people that say there is a match maker - no, there is no way there is ANY form of MM. If there is, it treats everyone as beginners… big mistake, but w/e.

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I don’t see AFK anywhere…