A Little Guidance - Kestrel

Hello! I’m looking for any insight on how to play Kestrel better. In short, I’m terrible. I’ve tried WP only… For the most part. I try to build: :vgitem_sorrowblade::vgitem_halcyonchargers::vgitem_bonesaw::vgitem_tyrantsmonocle::vgitem_slumberinghusk::vgitem_tornadotrigger:

I haven’t tried much ranked, because I know I’ll blow it for the team. For those who don’t know, I’ve been 2400+ (VG) in 3v3, 5v5, and Blitz for 4 straight seasons. I just can’t grasp Kestrel yet. Granted, it’s been maybe a week, but I’ve lost far more than I’ve won and I’m not dominant in casual like I am with any of my comfort picks. In fact, my KDA is likely abysmal. I know it’s key to her success, but I hate her A. Like everything about it. I feel it makes her an easy, immobile target. I find the hit box is a bit small and it’s too slow and not worth exchanges. I find i do better by just using basic attacks.

Any way, any tips from any good Kestrel players? Should I try a more poking/cp build playstyle? Feel free to simply message me if that’s easier.

I’m looking for more ‘playstyle’ guidance. Perhaps an understanding of her strengths and weaknesses better.

Thanks for any help, gang!

The most used build right now is :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_bonesaw: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle:

You should combine your A with auto attacks to maximize the damage. If you feel that you are immobile try to use AA with some A and between them use your B to quickly reposition yourself. Kestrel is, overall a squishy and non mobile sniper, so basically you rely on outdamage the enemy.

Thanks to her ability to throw Montiel arrows in a short time you can abuse her burst to pressure the enemy laner and, once you have no arrows, use your B to disengage so the enemy can’t penalize you.

Her earlygame is really good, specially against other range carries or lategame heroes such as Kensei (and Idris, but he is more like a mid game hero…?), however you will find hard to trade against some tanks like Grace.

Her arrows can blow up the frontline easily and fast, and has great range if you use only her A, so in teamfights use your A to maximize the range and kill the enemy from the distance (in lane phase use your AA too, is more important the damage than the range in 1v1 in lane).

Vaktabi has the most used build but a attack speed build is :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_poisonedshiv: :vgitem_breakingpoint: :vgitem_bonesaw: for fun ofc

  1. :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_bonesaw: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: :vgitem_t2_reflexblock: :vgitem_halcyonchargers:

  2. :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_tensionbow: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: :vgitem_t2_reflexblock: :vgitem_halcyonchargers:

  3. :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_tensionbow: :vgitem_breakingpoint: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: / :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_t2_reflexblock: :vgitem_halcyonchargers:

Other variants exists too and are situational. The safest and most used, as already pointed from fellow forum members - is the first one.

For her A - don’t start with it nor spam it towards the enemy, use it in-between AAs or when you will hit and not the splash only - needs practice, esp now with the faster move speed.

Super helpful, folks. I’ll modify the build. I also like the early game tip regarding using A in-between some AA and being more precise with it. I’ve definitely been more of a spammer, because I feel like that’s what others do. I definitely need to continue to practice with the A. Thanks! I

Unlock first her A, but you can “spam” it once you have max stacks of her passive, and only if you are gonna hit the enemy, don’t use her A only to see if something happens.

Depending on the match up, some people upgrade her A to level two before unlocking her B.

PD: Start always with :vgitem_t1_weaponblade: :vgitem_t1_bookofeulogies: unless you are facing a really powerful and aggressive earlygame hero, in that case start with :vgitem_t1_bookofeulogies: :vgitem_t1_sprintboots:

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