Well hello there - I guess I’m new, in a way, so I’ll do a quick intro (which you can optionally skip cuz it’s just some background really just go to paragraph 3). I’ve been playing for around 2 years and am a really huge fan of the game. I was especially addicted to it last year during the days of 3v3. During the 5v5 “preview” if you will during Worlds, I was like many of you hyped af, I was expecting it to be a hit and to grind for hours and hours with my friends.
Although I still play on a regular basis 5v5 feels almost underwhelming for me, the fire that burnt inside when I played disappeared. And along with it some very close friends I’ve made along the way, as they experienced the same thing.
This was somewhat inspired by @Sandiha’s rant if you will. I think one of the most annoying aspects of 5v5 is the lack of a comeback mechanic. From the manymanymany VPL Preseason games, I’ve only seen 1 game (I watch all of them but I can only recall 1) where a team made a comeback from a bad deficit, and that was partly caused by the Lorelai of the leading team experienced noticeable connection issues.
In the days of 3v3, a teamwide lvl disadvantage was impactful, to say the least. But now in 5v5, a teamwide lvl disadvantage is just insanely hard if even possible to overcome. Doing a comeback in 3v3 was hard to do yet not impossible. When you watch competitive 3v3 games, you don’t go “meh it’s gg already as long as TSM doesn’t throw” like in that VONC Petal game during Worlds, when Armada almost made a comeback. You can feel the intensity of the game.
Nowadays, I watch teams get a 1-7 lead, capture a Ghostwing, and that’s just it if they play it clean. The next few minutes are just a period a starvation for the team suffering from the deficit. You can’t really do anything when the opposing team memorizes the spawn time of your buffs and gives them a friendly visit when they spawn.
Treant after treant and buff after buff you get choked of experience. As a former jungle main I suffered from this the most as the jungler of the team that’s behind almost always has a major lvl deficit which makes his impact barely noticeable.
You just can’t do a comeback unless the opposing team does some really bad mistakes. I probably witnessed 2 comebacks so far on stream/Youtube and ingame combined?
The possibility of a comeback provides much needed intensity in a game in which a team has a sizeable lead over the other and it’s IMO missing from the game, do you agree? If so, what do you think SEMC can do to make comebacks more possible?