4.4 First Impressions

Depends, in some team compositions and in skilled hands - cath top/jungle can be a real problem.

L3on classified Cath as one of the strongest heroes of the pacth on S+ tier (S tier for everyone alse)

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In the MPL people start laughing when a team didnā€™t ban Catherine soā€¦
She is currently one of the strongest heroes in the update and itā€™s definitely ban worthy. Catherine is banned over SF or even Yates or malene. I wouldnā€™t be surprise if they nerf her next update.


As I predicted. Theyā€™re about to destroy one of the gameā€™s most iconic heroes. Rich lore. An OG. Didnā€™t need a buff in the first place - I felt she was in a healthy spot. Hopefully they just revert the changes! She was fine!

Revert changesā€¦ yeahā€¦ keep thinking that (coff coff Lance coff coff)ā€¦

Specially not such a big one. Well, now you understand why I donā€™t want any of my mains to be buffed :slight_smile:
Hopefully they donā€™t destroy her, but they tend to do it soā€¦ good luck.

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First Joule, now, letā€™s hope not Cahterine. :cry:

I lost BF, that hurts even more. They not only nerfed him but completely destroyed his kit
Iā€™ve lost BF, idris, Vox (WP), reimā€¦ :pleading_face:


Same here



I jungled WP Idris (just taking a trip down memory lane) in 5v5 casual and went 15/0/2. Was fun. But not real. I love his WP playstyle.

I feel you though.

I have no idea why Sen Feng is still being called OP by anyone. He is the kind of hero that feels really good at first, but once players learn to fight him is quite manageable. As a captain I am much happier to fight Sen Feng than Catherine even before the buff. past 8m if you block his ult he is pretty useless, has a much less reliable stun than Cath, and his B has zero utility, base damage can only help for so long.

Sen Feng is not even a lane bully if you fight him correctly, I was running Sen Feng in top and got totally bullies by Gwen. If you stick pretty clock to him, and be careful about proccing his A you can always side step his B without any abilities. He is an alright top lane, but in high tiers he is not even a priority pick.

I agree that heā€™s not OP, I just think a well-played San Feng with good use of A and a well placed ULT is still more disruptive than Catherine. Time and current trends this patch seem to be slowly proving me wrong however, so Iā€™m certainly open to being corrected. :cheers_boba_t3:

Again, I didnā€™t say he was OP. Just stating that heā€™d necessitate a ban over Catherine, and I very well could be wrong, but IMO bans are somewhat, somewhat subjective.

To me, there are TWO priority bans if youā€™re 2nd pick: Yates (how many patches in a row now??) and Leo.

I put Malene at third - a good Malene player is so hard to deal with.

Unpopular opinion: While I will likely ban Leo, is it too awful to let him slide as the 2nd pick? I find he is sitll countered pretty hard by some heavy cc and early game gangks if heā€™s in lane.

What are folks placing as priority bans? Iā€™d like to hear from multiple tier players! Whatā€™s being banned at T7-8 range? T5-6?

I actually donā€™t find Gwen specially hard to stop as SF. You may not destroy her, but she shouldnā€™t be able to bully you at all. Itā€™s so easy to proc your A with her A (you need reflexes though) or with her basic attacks and even if she B out of the stun, it has double your A cooldown. A good SF shouldnā€™t lose the lane against almost any hero.

People is gonna laugh, but the carry I find can relatively easily win against SF is Silvernail. SFā€™s B can be dodged easily unless stunned, and Silvernail can just put a trap before attacking you. Though it can be me being a one trick Silvernail :confused:


If the enemy drafts a comp to help him you are pretty much screwed no matter what you do. 2.2k damage per A is not something you can easily counter,

Agreed, but in quite a few ranked 3v3 matches with @Imanoob weā€™ve had some success letting him slip. We either snag him late if they pick non-stunners and choose to not pick him, and if they get him, weā€™ve had good success countering him with Catherine, Ozo, and some other cc heroes that have decent sustain. Cathā€™s bubble really whips him, and Ozoā€™s A fairs well against him.

However, he does better in 5v5 with the extra support from teammates and less predictable rotation/assassination attempts on Sovereignā€™s Rise as opposed to the more predictable Halcyon Fold.

Overall, I agree that itā€™s wise to ban him. His A is ridiculous.

Leo in 3v3 is not strong as in 5v5 since 3v3 is more snowball orientated, but in 5v5 you canā€™t let him pass the draft. Catherine counters him, but Ozo should not be a problem if the enemy knows what they are doing.

Leo in 3v3 isnā€™t hard to deal with agree, I thought you were talking about 5v5 though. In 3v3 he is actually quite bad due to how snowball oriented that mode is. Itā€™s like kensei on release, he was op in 5v5 but considered freelo in 3v3 for that reason: snowballing is out of control in that mode.

I wouldnā€™t go as far as to say heā€™s ā€œquite badā€ in 3v3 - heā€™s still super strong. Again, one swing of that A, a team fight is turned. But he doesnā€™t get the support/distraction he needs to be at his best, like he does in 5v5.

Also, I am sort of talking about both (?) - ha! Obviously, there are differences between 3v3 and 5v5, but in general, Leo is worthy of a ban or really picking counters as best you can to not under-estimate him.

Keep those 4.4 first impressions coming, folks!

Very few late game scaling heroes are strong in that mode. Leo itā€™s very easy to snowball in 3v3. If he is jungle he wonā€™t enter it against the top junglers, and if he is in lane it can be trickier but itā€™s still easy to snowball and gank. He is also easier to focus in the mode.

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Iā€™ve been playing quite a bit of ranked 3v3 - itā€™s been fun! Iā€™ll definitely say that Alpha is VERY strong in 3v3 right now - difficult to counter even with his counters. Heā€™s even getting banned on occasion depending on the player.