Hi all at SEMC, blissful apple requested that i post here. This is a 12m x 5m(h) Ringo Spray Painted Graffiti wall mural in my restaurant in Singapore SEA.
Hope it brings a smile to all SEMC Staff and hang in there, the game will Be HUUUGGEEE. The night is darkest before the dawn.
That’s an awesome mural! It’s… not really Ringo, since it has two arms and a sword, instead of one arm and a gun, but it’s a very cool image of a samurai. It’s awesome that VG could inspire work that though. Best of luck to your restaurant!
Yep, we couldn’t use the gun coz many of my customers responded they preferred the sword. And in singapore Guns and graffiti are banned even if it’s artwork. Didn’t want to get in trouble with the authorities. Nevertheless we maintained the helmet with the face mask, hopefully this will inspire and bring smiles to all VG players & SEMC.