Ylva: Builds, Playstyle, and Discussion

I’ve been playing quite a bit of Ylva and what I’ve found out to work the best is :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_tensionbow: :vgitem_breakingpoint:

I always rush T3 boots first. Her Ganks are so awkward without boots. You charge the shot and if they don’t happen to come to you you’re like “mind coming closer so I can shoot you in the face please”. Anyway that’s not a bad thing because your rotations speed is really good and she can 1 shot a 70% HP mid laner without any damage items.

I tried :vgitem_spellsword: and used it for a while but I think it’s just not a good replacement. It’s not bad on her. She’s very abilities reliant. But her CDs are not bad anyway and the burst is just a bit worse that way. I’d say you wouldn’t be wrong to go with either, just sorrowblade is a bit better.

I know many are playing CP but I tried her once and probably not gonna play her much. The damage is good and everything but the damn clear speed tilts me. If some dude doesn’t wanna push his lane or I am the only one alive with lanes pushing I’d rather be Churnwalker or something.

Spellsword is available a tiny bit earlier than Sorrowblade, so it might be better in some very narrow circumstances. If a player happens to be 200 gold short of Sorrowblade and they need to gank someone immediately then it might be a good choice. I ran into just that situation last night, where we had Anka against an enemy SAW, and I was passing by the store on the way to help, and I could afford Spellsword right then or I could wait for 200 more gold to buy Sorrowblade; I bought the Spellsword, and Anka and I quickly assainated all three enemy laners starting with SAW.

I was wondering just how narrow that gap is between when you can get the items out, so I just ran a bunch of bot matches to see just how quickly I can farm certain items. I followed the same path each time, teleported to buy the Heavy Blade and Prism (which did little to my total time, since it happened when I would be going to restart my circuit anyway), and avoided killing any bots. It’s not totally scientific, because I got some ambient as I passed through lanes, and in a real match I’d need to fight players a bit (which might give me much more or much less gold) but the broad strokes were pretty clear.

I bought Spellsword at level 6 at 6:40.

I bought Sorrowblade at level 6 at 7:02.

I bought Shatterglass at level 6 at 6:59.

I bought a Stormcrown at level 5 at 4:30. To be sure it wasn’t a fluke, I did it again, and it was in my inventory at the same time, give or take a second.

I started with a Stormguard Banner but built Sorrowblade at 7:17. I could have gotten it out sooner if I sold the banner, but I didn’t think that far ahead.


I didn’t mean to make it part of the tests, but I used A+B to stun and run from bots in each one. I hit different bots each time, so I don’t know precise damage numbers, but getting hit with Stormguard Banner, Heavy Blade, or Heavy Prism while you’re level 4 would be a significant emotional event. If I had to pick, I’d say Stormguard was a bit more damage, but with any of them the victim could probably run to safety.

The Sorrowblade build felt like it cleared faster than the Shatterglass build, but the tests really didn’t show it. 2 Crystal Bits was slower than 2 Weapon Blades, but once I got a heavy item in each build, CP picked up speed. Mostly, the speed worked out the same because WP was not so much faster that it let me clear extra camps (like Stormguard Banner did), so I was more limited by my jungle rotation than by damage.

When I play the Stormcrown build to 7 minutes, I can buy a Heavy Blade or Heavy Prism, so the damage output is still more than with Sorrowblade or Shatterglass at that point.

I’m not sure about Stormcrown, but the Stormguard Banner is unquestionably the best item to start with for any build for two reasons. First, it’s revenue neutral — it helps your farming efficiency enough to pay for itself by the time you’re ready to buy a tier 3 item, so it doesn’t slow your progress towards your final build even if you sell it. Second, you can buy it at level 1, and the damage against players will stay better all the way until you finish a tier 3 item. At worst it puts you 30 seconds further from your optimal build, but in exchange it makes you cause extreme emotional trauma to anyone who meets you in the early game.

It actually annoys me a bit that the banner is just plain superior.


Yeah man as I said spellsword doesn’t seem bad. Just sorrowblade kinda outperforms slightly. If you need it fast you could get it. Wouldn’t be a waste.

About build path, I don’t know. I do think CP is viable and it’s even played a lot by pros (I think more than WP) but I just don’t like it. It seems unreliable. CP Ylva either destroys and goes like 0/6. There’s no lane clear speed. Worse early game. And my personal favorite, that awkward moment when you do your burst and that Ringo you attacked still has 10 HP left and kills you as you literally have no damage outside of your B which you just used. I don’t know. CP might be better but it seems so unreliable.

About banner, I couldn’t agree more. While I appreciate the changes to jungle forcing this banner on literally every hero, even heroes like Reim that had beyond good clear is just dumb.

I’ve noticed is that Ylva + Anka is an exceptionally brutal pairing. If Ylva initiates, the victim will be low enough for Anka to execute as the stun wears off, and the two together seem to trail enough death and confusion that enemies have trouble pinning them down. They also cover one another’s deficiencies as laners, with Ylva having better basic attacks and Anka having longer-range skillshots.


What would you say is an ideal comp for Ylva to be part of? If not specific heroes, then maybe by classes, at least.

(and feel free to add it to the wiki in the first post)

If you don’t mind my chiming in, from what I’ve noticed, she seems to pair really well with hypercarries like Celeste who otherwise are prone to dives - her kit is very good at shutting down dives with the stun on A and root from ult.


You reminded me of the Celeste Lyra compos , nobody can touch Celeste or damage her , Celeste YLVA Lyra , can’t catch me comp hehehe .


I’m really liking Ylva with Phinn or Yates. Yates, especially, is great for early game ganks and lots of lockdown. We think they’re brother and sister in the lore, right?


Yeah I’ve been in good games with Celeste. One of the keys is that she works well with anyone who can help peel for her. Ylva is better at protecting teammates than protecting herself, but Celeste’s B can get Ylva out of a lot of jams.

At this stage, I’m more aware of heroes that Ylva pairs badly with. anyone with no CC is a bad partner, and heroes who disappear and drop targeting are bad partners (because the instant they vanish, Ylva tends to take all the hits meant for them). If my team has already picked Reza, Idris, Malene, and Lyra, Ylva is just not going to work well with them because the enemy will focus fire on her most of the time, and her team can’t do much to save her.

Lorelai and Arden are probably the best captains with Ylva, though in the early game Flicker is great too. Most captains work well with her, but Fortress, Lyra, and Adagio seem to be the worst due to their lack of CC.

For carries, Gwen is spectacular with Ylva since they both have a lot of utility that they can use to cover one another, and their combined damage deletes anyone. Gwen is particularly good for baiting enemies into traps, since she is fast enough that they tend to be a bit more obsessive sticking to her, and her B helps her to avoid getting stuck.

Vox is a particularly bad with Ylva. He can’t peel for her, and tends to zip out of the fight and leave her in a bad place. Skaarf and Kinetic are also not great with her, because what CC they have tends to be a bit difficult to use to help her.

I’ve had some surprisingly good games working with SAW. His immobility actually makes him very easy to protect, and she can use him like a turret to hide behind. Voice com or good player synergy really help; Ylva can work the jungle next to Saw and spot enemies coming for him, and since he’s so slow she can easily predict where to set ambushes. If she stuns or roots an enemy next to Saw, it’s all over. Only a coordinated rush from a whole team beats them, which still helps take pressure off the other two lanes. I’m not sure how well they’d work in the highest tiers (I’ve mostly been playing Ylva on a tier 5 account).

Ylva is bad into teams with lots of CC, or those who are good at diving. Mobile heroes can often eat a trap and still stick on top of her. Inara seems to particularly wreck Ylva, since she has speed, CC, and often had equal or better vision. I’ve been on both sides of that 1v1, and unless Inara really screws up then at worst it’s a draw; Inara has so much speed that she can often go the long way around Ylva’s traps. (At this point I probably play Inara more than any other hero, so maybe I’m biased.)


That all makes sense, thanks for writing it out. :cheers_minioncandy_t2: I’m eager to try a SAW Ylva comp now!

I’m working on the theory that when Yates says his sister was bit by a moose, he meant Ylva, and really, that means anything with hooves is particularly troubling for her. It’s canon, don’t @ me.


… does everyone know they can edit the first post, since it’s a wiki? Feel free to add your builds and tips there directly so people can find them without having to go through the whole discussion! (if you’re worried about formatting, I can clean it up later)


I am but a caveman. Your wiki frightens and confuses me :stuck_out_tongue:

More seriously, I’m a tier 7-8 player running Ylva on a tier 4 account, so I feel like anything I say should be tested for truth.


Lmao … good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read this

The fact that she specifically names Yates in one of her voicelines really helps support this as well. I’m with you, I refuse to believe that they aren’t siblings until SEMC directly deconfirms it

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I thought that was a quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Though Ylva and Yates do look very similar, you may be on to something…

Almost all the ways to ensure a stun from A when enemy is near by

  1. Vision game (hiding in a bush or take advantage of vision blind spot)
  2. Ally CC
  3. Ult root (free charging time)
  4. When enemy is moving toward you (some fool who underestimated your damage)
  5. Use the speed boost in river to help lower the severity of the slow should u have no other approach to gank enemy laner

Added some playstyle notes on CP Ylva. Really enjoying her lately, especially on the Halcyon Fold!


Weapon Assasin Ylva
:vgitem_journeyboots: :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_tensionbow: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle:

Because Ylva is a squishy Nuke jungler with a short range, she should be played as a hit and run assasin. So I Use these items :vgitem_sorrowblade: :vgitem_tensionbow: :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: and usually an extra :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: because it’s currently a Burst meta with all carries only buying an Aegis, with no Armor :wink:
Always rush Journey Boots :vgitem_journeyboots: . Her Ganks are hard to pull off without the extra movespeed. Even without any damage items, she can chip the laners prety heavily because of her combo.

Some of my friends play her with CP items, but It has inconsistent damage without her skill, rendering her useless after her combo. because there isn’t much people playing her, you can get an advantage by playing a hero they aren’t used to face. I made a complete guide , for more click on My (decently) In Depth Ylva Build and strategy

added by @Lintang88 , update 4.2


Hi, thanks for adding this! The goal of these threads is to include builds and playstyle tips in the first posts, as part of the wiki. You can edit them directly (I went ahead and added your build for you… THIS TIME :skaarf:).

Can you post this link for us? More people will see it if you did that, rather than asking each person to google it themselves. Thanks!

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p.s: Where is the place I’m suppose to add my build? I’m new so I don’t know how these thing work… yet

I finally added my CP burst assassin build after spending that time writing her playstyle tips. I realized I never wrote the dang build!

I’d also like to make a comment regarding WP builds that have been posted. You’re all hitting the nail on the head with :vgitem_tensionbow:, :vgitem_journeyboots:, and :vgitem_breakingpoint:. However, I would add that :vgitem_serpentmask: is a critical item for Ylva, and one that many high rank players use on her as well. She can be a bit squishy, but packs quite the punch with her A+B+TB combo, and having that sustain is a great way to keep her in the fight longer and maximize her B’s short-term passive.

Keep hunting bunnies, fellow Ylva fans!