WP TAKA NERFS? More like beating a dead horse

Wp taka is toxic , and probably everyone here knows the song (taka taka taka with tension bow) , I still remember when people get the tension bow they used to say game over , taka is hard to balance because he can steal everything , I’ll be against any taka strong buffs .

He’s toxic because he had about 3 patches of viability for the last 2 years for his ability to do damage… as an assassin? So basically every melee hero is toxic as most of them have used TB or did damage with other items. But ranged heroes do even more damage and are ranged obviously so they’re toxic as well? If anything CP is toxic as it takes no mechanical skill no positioning or anything compared to WP and his playstyle is annoying for both team and enemy.


Last time I was against wp taka he didn’t let me breath especially in 3v3 , like every hero has ups and downs like you could find a work around except taka , because the way you counter taka is by vision and when he snowball you say goodbye vision , just like the toxic cp kestrel , insane early damage and snowball potential hard to counter with vision because of the constant pressure and vision cleaning.

I don’t understand why people saying semc hates taka , semc clearly loves taka as they love vox , these two heroes get small nerfs so semc can pretend that they treat heroes equally while in the reality they give them full attention , they probably are happy with taka performance in low and mid tiers .

CP was ok in 3vs3 tho (in the highest tiers wasn’t that easy to make it work out - mines, vision, sticking together teams, smaller map/fight area, etc). I agree in 5vs5 it is kinda annoying tho, but this just shows they need to rework heroes for real. I would not say because they are old only, but mainly because some are clearly designed specifically for halcyon 3vs3 map and 3 players in each team. Their kits are just not for 5vs5 and the big map it got.

I liked WP taka also quite a lot and got success with it in 3vs3. I am sad now as I got all the skins, like a lot of them - can’t play it. Tried it yesterday in a casual as CP as I didn’t play it in few patches - lol, no dmg at all compared to tons of other heroes that can go into the jungle. Also all the cooldown reduction nerfs and upping the cooldown on his abilities, he is also not that spammy. Basically they wan’t him dead as they won’t go changing him (this won’t bring the same profit as a new hero, and clearly they lack dev power for everything - even hats haha).

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The problem is that you are talking and playing 3vs3 while most of us talk about 5vs5. They CAN’T balance the heroes/items for both modes, period. You just can’t find a way around 3 vs 5 heroes in teams, the vastly different maps - one a lot bigger, other a lot smaller, one with 3 lanes and big as f jungle, the other one lane and a lot of choke points in the small jungle, one with one kraken, the other with 2 dragons, etc.

CP kestrel for example is WEAK in 5vs5. In 3vs3 if I press B in the bush left/right of the gold miner - it’s a choke point and enemy even knowing my trap is there will not go, use skill to bypass it or someone eat it. In 5vs5 it’s super easy to keep track where traps are and just go around them. In 3vs3 you can make enemy eat so many traps and dmg that CP kestrel is really strong, in 5vs5 vs good team ofc you will get lucky to get a 3-4 traps for the hole game. Not to mention it’s one thing to have two dmg dealers chasing you, other to have twice as much siting on 4 + better chance for vision items in them. How much some of us should tell people that heroes never worked and will never work the same on 5vs5 map as 3vs3 map and that they can’t be balanced. What you feel is strong (and I believe you as you are good player) is actually weak to the point that even a great player will struggle greatly and handicap itself if he is playing vs decent players in 5vs5 mode.

You having a bad game against hero that’s barely ever been viable isn’t really a strong point if you ask me. You honestly don’t even need vision for WP Taka. You’re explaining CP Taka. And basically every WP Taka player wants CP dead. Taka also has bad reputation as a hero because of CP.

If by “loving” Taka you mean screwing him up all the time, barely being viable for the last 2 years yeah they love him a lot. Reality is he’s always in a bad state. Gets sudden spike in viability (talking about CP which I want dead) stays viable for a patch or 2 then disappears again. If we talk only WP it’s even worse.


Yes CP had some good patches but again if he’s close to meta they keep nerfing. How do they nerf? NOT ratios but base damage. Who does this affect? Again WP a lot more. It’s just like they have no idea what they want to achieve. But to be honest even in 3v3 he’s bad for at least the last 6 months.

My point about “old” heroes was exactly that. They are from 3v3 era so they’re not designed for 5v5 obviously. I don’t know how others feel but for me every hero since and including Tony feels like they’re designed for 5v5 (maybe Kinetic isn’t that clear of an example but she’s definitely good in it as well). It is honestly pretty cool but they certainly need to work on older heroes. Taka and Krul literally no AoE but they don’t shine in 1v1 either. Both melee, both have no damage and both melt. Honestly if it’s not a patch where they can literally blow enemies up how can they ever be viable? Even then they aren’t balanced. Either over or underpowered. VG just needs at least a few reworks.

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As you said and it’s pretty obvious for many reasons if think about - all the new heroes are designed with 5vs5 in mind (same as items, btw) and all the old ones for 3vs3 and halcyon map. It’s super clear how some kits are strictly not good for 5 enemy players and/or the new map. That’s why when 5vs5 dropped some heroes transitioned better (because luck that their kits work good for 5vs5/new map too) and some were really bad.

Its not like she is amazing in 3v3. She is weak there too.

Like any other early game hero that needs to snowball?

Thats why he has the lowest win Rate and pick Rate un the game for some updates already?

The most nerfed Hero is loved? Interesting…

A game shouldnt be balanced for low tiers.

This is totally true, generally in lower tiers the competition mindset is a lot lower + people learn the game, play more for fun (otherwise most will reach high tier fast), play the hero they like and so on. Competitive games should always be balanced towards high tiers.

Yeah certainly makes sense. That was just an observation of the drastic change.

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Unlike Cp, WP takes skill and every move could have a consequence.

Not Semc, Mr.Niv was the taka lover and kaigan loves kestrel

Nivmett was the only one that tried to bring back WP taka.

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That’s basically what I said a few times myself lol

It seems that it needed to be said again since some people think its trollish

(This post came out to be pretty big, so I have separated them in para with appropriate words to start with so that u know what is being talked about)

Contrary to to what people are saying over here, I would say some of the older heroes were intended for more of a 5v5 gameplay. Especially the assassins.

We all love bf. And we all can agree that he is pretty under powered l. But the problem was the with the nature of 3v3 when he was balanced.

All the assassins like taka , bf, Koshka were designed more like Anka—— they had huge amount of burst and for a good reason.
On a generic 5v5 map, literally deleting one character of the map for a slight advantage was never a problem. Assassins work like that and have at least some amount of cc or sustain to carry this out. Look at the old taka and koshka, and even bf. However this made these assassins extremely strong on the 3v3 map. Deleting the only carry was OP AF. So they had to balance these heroes out.

These heroes were usually nerfed to the point where They had a bit of a sustained damage, making them what I call mobile bruisers. Now again the problem was with their mobility and ability to dish damage anyway. That’s why as time went these heroes were further nerfed to oblivion with little to no return to the changing meta.

Now coming to the present state, and the latest update, we have 5v5 and we have defensive stats more or less nerfed in my opinion(keeping in mind pierce and all).
This is the blow for assassins.
They need lot of items to work with and usually go for a single defensive item. With how bursty the meta has become, these assassins are fairly easily dealt with.

With the absence of sustain, and that bit of cc to cling on to their target and adding to this the numerous changes to the RB and making cc over all powerful, most assassins are basically deadlocked who rely on their base speed to close gaps. Anka is good right now given how easy it is to dodge all the cc out there. With here kit she is so freaking slippery that my god srsly what is really happening at the higher ranks guys??

Taka had sustain (lifesteal) which on transferring to Kaku not only made his wp bruiser style gameplay obsolete but also gave rise to the rather cancerous cp taka playstyle. Think about it , if SEMC just had decided to leave the heal there, taka wud have rather been at least manageable.

On top of this they nerf him more. Guys, you ppl who are saying wp taka is easy to work with really need to understand one thing. At least for me, as a taka, it is almost absolutely necessary for u to stay in ur jungle and avoid they enemy in most cases.

If ur enemy jungler is a taka, it is far easier to snowball him instead given the subsequent nerfs to his early game bonus wp in several patches before 5v5 I guess? Yeah , whatever but what I wanna say is that these changes have been there for a while, and even then if u r getting snowballed, u r clearly getting outplayed. His lvl 1-4,5 is a pain in the ass especially as wp Taka. (Pls lets just not talk about cp…just don’t… not here or anywhere).


I am totally freakish mad at the balance team like my god wtf is with the charge time.
Just freaking revert just do it.

But srsly if taka needs anything , it would be either a buff or better yet a rework, I have a really good idea of what we can make out of him without compromising his gameplay.

Coming to petal (I have despised demon eyes frostborn petal, especially as taka and kestrel lol my god!!). I would like her to be more of a support. Not a tank, neither a jungler somewhere in the middle.
Example , increase the heal on her ult and give back the healing from her seeds. Give her a bit of cp to work with and make her munions durable… a bit and she should be fine. Also I think her second ability should hold several charges, given how squishy she is. Also make her durable.

Saw… well …there is way how u can make him work, without compromising his cp style. Make his perk give him extra wp and lower his early game wp a bit. Spin up now should also grant u with extra wp, so that ur strategic positioning can be key to winning to teamfights. This cannot and will not be op given his slow move speed. Only truly skilled players should be able to utilise him to the fullest.

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Doing a crit build Taka requires ALOT of gold so I often play him in lane. His MS boost allows him to farm the minions and get in and out of range and his B forces his opponents to place a cam in the lane just to see him and not to get surprise attack.

And His ult allows him to get onto the enemy laner easily.

I can TOTALLY show you how I play WP lane Taka if your in NA but what my original meaning of the post is that…

Taka isnt forced to be a jungler, lane gives more gold than the jungle and it gives him the advantage to get more items in a shorter amount of time

Ive said the same thing on my rework petal post.

Currently we dont have any support junglers.
I would even go to the point of saying that she should gain the auras back onto her munions and decrease damage total

I don’t understand why you all want pateto buffed when she has a 53% win rate…

She has slows, a dash with relatively low cooldown, and knock back, she doesn’t need more kiting. She doesn’t need to be more durable either, she has enough range, more than most snipers, why would he need to be more durable? Again, she is doing good, no need of a buff.

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I will sure give him a try in 5v5 and … I’m in SEA…