Would you be so kind as to return the ping "Buy Defense item!"?

Dont forget get out my jungle. Too many times I’ll be mid rotation and have it screwed because a my team decides the lane isn’t good enough. I understand a quick healing treant but randomly attack everything is bad

Why the 10 day bump ?

And I’m glad that ping is not in the game, to be honest. The amount of toxicity caused by junglers who believe the entire jungle is theres is ridiculous. It’s comical the amount of times I rotate to health treant, as a carry with 20% health, and the jungler last hits it at full health oblivious (or not) or I last hit it and get spam pinged for the next 5 minutes.

Ridiculous on lower teirs how many full health captains and carries think they should abondon the lane

Ridiculous: the passive aggressiveness. :laughing:

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We need the “I’m lagging here” ping