Why is Celeste not getting a nerf?

I can’t understand what is SEMC thinking

I think you’re confusing SEMC with a living thing. They’re all robots, you know.

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Are they all competitor models? Because they sure can’t communicate.

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She is out ranged by Skaarf, Samuel, and Kestrel in mid lane. The last two got nerfs, but Skaarf got better at 1v1 early. She will stay S/A tier.


But to be fair though lets be be fair on SEMC’s part.

Celeste, in the entire history of how many updates from 2.1 to 3.0 has NEVER been meta if you don’t count the time in 2.7 in where her Frostburn EOH + Clockwork build became a thing.

She was an extremely situational carry, due to her immobility and the nature of the Poison Shiv meta which made WP carries the preffered option over CP.

And now when Celeste has been OP for 2 FING updates, now people wanna nerf her really bad.

It is not being fair to other heroes after you think about it. Compared to other mages, Celeste has much more counters than the others, and now in 3.2, in where her counters are nerfed, this means that her counters won’t be permabanned and it will allow people to counter Celeste now that her counters are balanced.

And taking all this into considering, Malene will probably making more of an impact as a new mage and a Mid Laner who will be probably be the preferred option in high tiers with her kit filled with good stuff like roots, slows, and movement speed boosts.

So maybe we should calm down a bit about this CELESTE OP thingy.

Remember in update 1.23 and 1.24 where she was good with the MAGE Meta? Well she was nerfed after 2 updates.

SEMC probably wants to give some time for Celeste to shine like other heroes.

Look at Alpha. She was OP for many updates and she had her chance to shine.
Foretress had his time too, in the earlier updates about 1 and a half years ago.
Reim had his time to shine.
Even Potatel had her time to shine in 2.1 and 2.2 and 2.7.
Joule now IS shining for the 2nd time in the history of VG as a Top Laner.
Blackfeather has shined quite a lot in many updates and now he is pretty meh.
My gosh even SAW was meta for a couple of updates in 1.1 something

SEMC gives every hero their time to shine. Try to name me one hero who has NEVER been good in the entire history of VG meta.

But all of this in consideration she does need a small nerf :3

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Joule is not meta tbh, there are lots of better picks than her. She’s not a top priority pick/ban for a long time eventho she’s still good

well I think u get my point
30 chars

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Celeste still sucks in 3v3. 5v5 is making a lot more heroes viable tbh. Wp Baptiste is an extremely situational pick in 3v3 but has risen in popularity and is good in 5v5 due to the buffs and nature of jungle

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Does she? Because in vainaura her winrate is second highest to all heroes, only below krul(Celeste is 62, Krul is 67 he is broken in 3v3)

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Celeste sucks in 3v3 because there is no CP buff and jungle works different to 5v5. In 3v3 there is just one lane and the jungler can constantly pressure it and affect Celeste which is not possible in 5v5.

But in 5v5, Mid is also the highest priority lane to gank because of the strong CP Mages there. Her damage is still insane in 3v3 and she gets her spikes earlier than in 5v5 which makes her better. Her longer range is also better in 3v3 because of the smaller map making her much safer. Her winrate in 3v3 is still extremely high and even without the CP buff she gets her items earlier so it still works out mostly the same.

Which is odd considering that she got no major damage buff recently and assassins are broken and not banned always in 3v3. She got a range buff but so did most other ranged heroes. Celeste wasn’t seen much in 3v3 before 3.0 and I would say she was rarely played except by pros as she had weakness which could be easily exploited in that map. I still think that it is the 5v5 environment combined with few small buffs which propelled her in the meta, not some ridiculous buff like the one gwen got in 3.0 with her perk

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