Why is Celeste not getting a nerf?

And they decide to nerf Samuel, AGAIN?


How do you know the update changes wut

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They just released it…

The boy lies, BRING THEM TO ME SIR


I guest SEMC wants us to ban Celeste just like Taka rn

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Oh thanks man I actually thought you were yankin me, ok so I feel like Celeste is really strong but they’re trying to balance for all tiers, and she’s pretty difficult to play/ easy to take out when the team isn’t coordinated. Samuel deserved it imo, his B shouldn’t be up constantly with 1 cooldown item it should be an empowered state not constant… hmmm I don’t like the nerf on breaking point, and why they’d nerf Skye is beyond me she’s never played


Because she doesn’t need a nerf. But to be truthful all of the changes are shit. All of the heroes are meta are gonna stay meta. What is that piss poor excuse of a buff to Baron? That Samuel nerf won’t even make a difference.

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At least nerf the range of her a its kinda oppressive in early games. She can just poke you until you die…thats it


Skye nerf? Her objective damage and her base range were buffed and the nerf is relatively small especially with the buffs on the other side…


Yeah that WP buff will be used for CP Baron mostly who will farm more easily now.

When she is though… Phew…

I hope alpha and taka see more play. As much as I hate them, using up 2 slots for banning them is just limiting draft too much. Overall the balance changes look good, defense buffs would have been nice but I don’t think that’s going to ever happen as they want shorter teamfights.

Probably cuz team fights lag atm and they are too lazy to fix netcoding XD, funny because other changes are to try to prolong the game

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Samuel is already balanced rn, his pick and win rate is perfectly fine
Celeste literally has no downtime, her abilities can’t be bodyblocked which means she can harm backline and trigger Spellfire so well, her defensive skill is much more threatening than Sam’s ult, her ult chunks down 3/4 health bar of a carry without any DE stacks. Her early game poke is actually stupid with 2 crystal bits and a CP buff as she deals 150-200 dmg with a non-supernova A. She is the best mid laner rn but you can’t ban her cause you have to waste ban slots to Alpha Taka Fortress…
And why no Lorelai or Ozo buff? Haven’t seen these 2 for a long time


that’s a good question that we cannot answer


Top 10 questions science still can’t answer


I main Celeste mid and was actually expecting a nerf as she is ridiculous in the hands of a player who understands positioning. Everyone says that she is balanced and has a lot of counters as reasons for no nerf but no one looks that her counters are perma banned. The ones that get through like Idris,bf or reza are played in other lanes from where they just can’t rotate constantly to pressure her. It gets worse in teamfights with constant peels and cc to stop dives and she can just blast away from a range and with defense nerfs she gets tanks down in 2 supernovas with 10+ DE stacks


how do you cs well? i can play celeste in teamfights well, but laning using projectiles slower than phinn is hard

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I am not that good at farming so I can’t elaborate much on it. Practice for some time in practice mode to get a hang of the speed of her AA and you will usually get better with time

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