Who plays Growtopia?

I mean, you could plant more jet pack trees. Actually, to do that, you’ll probably need to destroy entire worlds and work up the item trees from your basic seeds

Only after quelling millions of galaxies worth of their jet pack trees will I realize what a monster I’ve yet to become.

Who wants my item, I think I have about 1 dl worth of trash
Edit : omfg snowy night dropped to 6-7wls?!

I mean, I don’t play it anymore so Flib land is basically non-existant.

Me bro can i have it?
Ign: 28thballer

I wanna buy farms and make profits from it :yum:

Got any donation box in ur world?

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Go to “28thballer”, ill buy donation box right now, Thanks!

Thank you so much @Twip for these world locks, now i will start investing these on farming and buying new stuffs!!


Hey @Twip you have farm worlds right?

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I don’t understand how I’ve played for so long but never amassed any wealth whatsoever in it.

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Same here. Now I’m even more broke cause all the stuff I stored in worlds are gone

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You kinda need to explore more stuffs about earning worldlocks, example of it is going to YouTube and search up how to earn wordlocks.

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Trust me, I know about them all. Never worked though.


Do you even know the grass farming? :confused:


Basically splice dirt seed with rock seed, then farm it and plant it and do the same process


Its seeds goes for 200/wl it takes probably 10 solid minutes to earn 200 seeds


I have over 500 hours on Growtopia, and my account was made a very, VERY, long time ago, my friend. I used to farm a lot of Pinball Bumpers every single day constantly for about a month. Achieved nothing.


Okay, I get it, but doesn’t mean your account was made long time ago you will be wealthier than the ones who just came to the game. You have to persevere for those worldlocks by doing business everyday, farming a lot of pinballs constantly for a month is great, but were you consistent on doing it after that month? Probably the reason why you achieve nothing, people who are very rich right now in-game and even outside the game (real life) are the way they are because they work for it really hard and persevered for long time. I’m pretty sure you had some wordlocks earned on those pinballs right? I think you achieved something small but not nothing.


Frankly, having to invest upwards of an hour per day in a game for multiple months straight is way too much dedication in order to get rich.

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