Which heroes have you seen little to none of in Sovereign’s Rise?

in that case i would either need my support or swap lanes.
allthough that didnt happen so far. might take awhile until they catch on to the idea.

Does Phinn, Ardan and Joule are played ?

(I don’t have the ticket)

Ardan and Joule are pretty good,since Ardan is Ardan and Joule’s turret damage is pretty OP.
Phinn not so much since he’s pretty slow and you need to actually roam in 5v5
(Gib me 3.3 MS Phinn please)


All the Reim players I’ve seen so far have been pretty damn incredible. Except for that one who was on my team during 3v3 ranked, he wasn’t.


after a few more games, i have to say that he has some issues with rona atm, if he cant kite her.

I’ve not seen following heroes much:
Adagio (but he could be good against a Ringo lane),

Lorelai (but I don’t see her in many games period, she’s good but not many people play her. Not sure how useful her single target ult is though in 5v5, but her movement boost could be strong),

Petal (she should be good for a flex pick for top/bot able to go either way/cp).

Other than that I’ve seen most heroes played

I’ve seen grump top work well.

Phinn late game is a monster. He is so disruptive to dives. He just isn’t very useful early.
Ardan may need lower cooldowns on his Vanguard early.
I’m playing a ton of CP Joule in the top lane right now. I love Joule even with the nerfs.
I think Petal is underpicked. I rarely see her, but she should be a natural counter to all the stealth.
WP Grace is kinda strong early. Played in the Top lane against some WP carries, she can still win.
Ringo feels even stronger with the increased attack speed and WP buff when played in the Bot lane.
Skaarf feels amazing. Range 9 Goop up from 7.5 and energy cost lowered from 75 to 50 is totally worth the nerfs to damage.
WP Idris scored my first Quadra Kill. His BP stacking is really solid with more heroes eating Chakrams and 150% Ult damage.
Grumpjaw I have only seen once. He was part of a Phinn Support, WP Grump Jungle, WP Grace Lane comp. He was a monster to deal with. Just incredibly tanky with that comp.

I’ve personally been wrecking Petal to such an extent that I get excited when I see her. Gank by starting with silencing her trampoline. Down in seconds. Underpicked for good reason.

I agree with phinn though (especially with echo ult) there’s only so many rb

I would say he’s pretty decent early game, as he can deal quite a lot of damage with Quibble and Polite Company can be quite useful as well. His low speed is really what holds him back.

I’ve never seen Krul and Lorelai, but there’s always a Vox, Saw, and Taka in every game.

Thats so odd, I see so many Krul. The gank potential in 5v5 is huge

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I’m seeing less Kestrels than I would have suspected. I am playing her as a CP Top Laner occasionally with decent results. SGB start. She needs alot of farm, but cross map snipes are so much fun.

I only met one krul who was vg silver who went SB TT TT TM BP boots.
And he went 14/2 or something and demolished us.

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