When will they make changes for 3v3?

before that, they would simply answer every question about 5v5 with a “nope”.

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A good deal less than I would have without the introduction of talents, in-game banner ads and blatant lying to drive up revenue. :wink:

You all are right in your comments. There’s nothing wrong with being pissed and salty as long as you’re still sticking with valid points and staying on topic. That said, free 2 play isn’t an excuse for certain things. Yes, everyone needs to make money, everyone needs to get paid. It’s the overarching aspect of capitalism. There are market trends, businesses decide to do this and that because it’s safe, because everybody’s doing it, whatever. Hindsight is hindsight, but intuition is also a thing.

That said, SEMC’s issue seems like they were too generous at first, while they largely met their ambitions initially. As of now, there needs to be a comeback in perception, and that’s only going to come back with good faith.

On topic on 3v3, I really don’t get all the discussion about it being broken. Maybe it’s just me, but I seriously don’t see people building and counterbuilding, people working together. It seems more an issue of people wanting to do things their own way, in a game built leaning towards certain strategies for certain heroes, even while being very customizable, as unpopular an opinion as that might be. And the same thing happens in 5v5, but there’s more room to play, more opportunities to swing, so I guess it’s not as obvious.

There are heroes you have to team focus, or at least 2v1. There are heroes you can kill easily up by yourself, but they will give you hell at a range or with team support. There are heroes that are weak early but snowball late. There are heroes that are strong early but need to pick their battles late. There are heroes that can be strong or weak based only on items, and heroes that can do work regardless of how they’re built. All of these require different strategies.

Maybe it’s just too complicated for everybody, but broken? Not in my opinion. Yes, some team comps are going to be brutal to face, but building a counter-team instead of your favorite or meta hero is part of the strategy. Idk. It just seems like people are throwing their hands up instead of trying something different, and I don’t completely blame them, but until SEMC makes it that kinda game where you can just do the same thing every patch, you know that there are going to be new metas and meta constants, etc.

This is the game we have. We all know what we’re getting, and if someone can do something off-meta and get a different result as you, maybe the hero your facing isn’t actually broken. If that makes you angry, dunno what else anybody can do for you. Maybe SEMC will cater to your whims one day to make you feel better, but that’s up to them.


3v3 was broken, pick Koshka and snowball from the get go… even Krul struggled to keep her in check (he was the other broken jungler) early game. If you didn’t exploit that then you’re missing out on what made 3v3 unbalanced…