What's your dreamjob?

I’m a stem student and what are you expecting. Working at Google and being super rich would be pretty cool

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Anything that feeds the family :slight_smile:
(But if we’re talking DREAM job, then cardiologist)


Back on topic, I want to join the GSG9 or the SEK. I wanna do something for my country and those two paths sound very exciting in contrast to an average life

Entrepreneur if I had a decent idea and can make a profit

I have multiple:
Acting, I’d love to make it to broadway some day, as far fetched as it is.
Writing/playwright, literature and stuff. I love it. Call me Shakespeare
Journalist, because they can break the law and have it be morally correct

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Well, in the end you have to choose one(or two), but I see how it can work out

CEO of a tech company in a developing country. :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::fire:

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I always thought I was cut out to become a rising star in the adult entertainment industry… unfortunately, my attributes don’t match my ambition.

