What kind of punishment do you think someone should get instead of LPQ?

reduce lpq timer

but add another punishment like

  • reduce glory gain 50% for certain amount (until you pay xxx glory) how much xxx is depend on the behaviour. will stack with more misdeeds.

  • reduce/halt chest and quest reward for a number of quest. will stack with more misdeeds.

  • harsher punishment is essence penalty. for stacking above punishment, essence will drained for certain amount (and you can have negative essence instead of zero)

Just ban them from any ranked mode 3v3 5v5 and blitz

That wouldnā€™t be fair for casual players thought wouldnā€™t it? The standard games would be filled with trollers.

On the contrary the trolls need to behave in casual to ever get out.


Lock rank, itā€™s as simple as that. Casual needs players too and rank drives at least a certain % of players and might even be a catalyst for trolling. If you get ___ down votes, you should be locked out of rank for ___ games.

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Everyone would just down vote every losing game and everyone would get banned.

Again, the potential and likelyhood of abuse is extremely high.

The best thing Semc could do is design the game to minimize trolling in the first place. Like donā€™t allow people to buy more than one pair of boots, get rid of the gold bounty system so people canā€™t intentionally feed, make ping lockouts longer, etcā€¦

Again, player voted punishment is way to prone for abuse.

Make it very easy and possible to be banned from Ranked, permanently if necessary. Add that to LPQ.

IMO I think LPQ is at a good place. And I am saying that as someone who more frequently than i like to gets stuck in it. (AFKā€™ing because of sudden connection dropping or phones battery dying. You know the usual.)

Sitting through the 3 minute wait period is annoying AF and I absolutely hate it (Sucks for people who get the even longer increments) . You cant leave the app/switch your phone to split screen or anything, heck you cant even look around on the VG menus. And if you try to do something else you will be greeted the next time you try to get into a game with a fully reset timer.

LPQ Sucks (in an effective way)

However if there were to be changes i do have suggestions:

*Weekly allowance of 1 AFK. My reasoning is because life gets in the way and some people are just not lucky

*Changing punishments based on the type of infraction;
-Rude Pings? Force them to play with bots for a # of games
-AFK? Have them stare at the menu like the current punishment is
-Trolling? Start removing talents, and heros from them temporarily based on what they most play
etc. (Obviously would need fine tuning to not be ridiculous)

*Have the infraction that they are most guilty of displayed on a public profile: Ex. On the guild page or friend list

*Add some way to atone for the infractions and make it public knowledge.
To give some context:
-Current System: Yes is sit through all 3 matches with the LPQ timer however if 2 weeks passes by and I end up AFKing once (at the end) im smacked with the sweet sweet 3 minutes of extra wait time again
-Proposed System: Sit through all 3 matches in LPQ, then
(a) Go an entire 2 weeks without performing an infraction
(b) Go through an extra # amount of matches (maybe a specific match type also) without performing an infraction
Doing so would reset you to normal player parameters

*Any infraction on Ranked Immediately sets you to the second stage of LPQ (or whatever punishment is at the time) after second offense (Its ranked the punishment shouldnt be light)


But what if the troller doesnt play ranked and is toxic in casual modes? (Not me xddddd)

Hereā€™s a radical idea :slight_smile:

Toxic mode - kinda like the salt mines for forums. But for games.

Vent all you like with other toxic players. :smile:

Yay or nay?

The old low priority queue where you get matched up more with other players in lpq? Dont know if that system actually worked. If it even affected matchmaking in any way.

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I think of 3.0 more like a 5v5 early access phase just be patient Iā€™m sure future updates will correct this.

Glory and ICE penalty with most played hero disabled

Cross-hatch papercuts on their gaming fingers.

Thumbs for mobile.

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No i think they should just make it so that downvotes trigger a self destruct sequence on the device to whoever gets downvoted

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I definitely think lots of things will be improved, but the games are still horrid. Was fun in early access, but now there is just a flood of feeders and lane abandonersā€¦

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Yeah hopefully when ranked comes out we get more serious players who know what theyā€™re doing and not trolling

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At least people that understand how to play their positions and the importance of objective control.

Thatā€™s a tough one. I was going to say use the current system for casual but nothing happens in the current system. Maybe 3 down votes in 2 games give you 2 minute LPQ or doesnā€™t clear your punishment to unlock rank.

Yeah, but papercuts prior let the punishment really sink in.

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