What is Your favorite game mode?

I’m only playing 5v5 as everyone’s playing it now and it’s the mode SEMC is actively supporting. 3v3 is my second option as I find that a number of people don’t really adapt to 3v3 from 5v5 and would very, very, very much prefer to party in this mode because of reason above.

Brawl modes before talents were the best times! You can just get a quick fix as SEMC called it while waiting in line or anytime you have 5 mins to play! Now Talents overrules brawl mode fun. It’s become a contest of who has the highest level Talents wins.

If I could choose a non-rank favourite mode, it would be Battle Royale. I used to play BR a lot back then as you aren’t assigned a specific role or hero and it forces you to play a hero that you would otherwise never ever pick. That’s how you develop your hero pool.

EDIT: BR is still my favourite mode. I like the randomness and at times you get 3 ally melees vs 3 enemy range and still be able to win is the best feeling ever!


Oh man, I really miss 2.8 :sob:


Onslaught left a bitter taste in my mouth. Most of the matches that I can remember were complete curbstomps.

Most of my matches were pretty balanced, but the mode turned into cheese strats with tanks, displacement abilities, and invulnerability heroes, like Idris and Reza, who would disappear and try to outlast you after the arena had shrunk to nothing. It’d be interesting now that echo is gone though, but I could see Silvernail being pretty annoying if used correctly.


really? I had fun using Baptiste and Glaive - punting and fearing them.

I quite enjoy the chaos that comes with brawls.
it’s the reason they created “talents” in the first place. It makes for some very interesting plays. brawl modes are the ones i really don’t care about winning or losing.

I think there are so many different players out there and I for one love variety in my gaming. Be it a moba, shoot em up, fighting… RPG, platform… or any other.

Those who are obsessed with ranking up and only find enjoyment in “winning” i feel has lost the true essence in why we all loved games in the first place. Look deep into that inner child, if it’s still there. Find the joy of spamming Joule’s big red button, even if it ends up missing and you die.

We all had it once upon a time.


Unfortunately, the little kid in me had already moved on from Vainglory and has found new toys to play with.

well i don’t blame ya. You need to follow where your heart takes you.

These days, i also find it quite hard to find enjoyment from playing Vainglory, which is why i suggested more crazy brawl modes.

i’m that guy who logins just for the daily chests and complete quests. Mainly because i live in the most remote city in the world and subsequently get the most laggiest ping in the world. Still, I manage to put a smile on my face when i win in brawl modes, not easy with such high ping.

I still hold onto the hope that my ping will magically drop once that sub sea cable is up and running. Hope is such a fickle thing. We hold onto it dearly, because without it, what is the point? I am always hopeful in all things in life.

Some might call it being naive. There are so many people ready and willing to crush hope. We all lose and gain hope constantly throughout our lives. I choose to keep hope. As tiny and fickle it may be, it is there… floating in the wind, just waiting for the right opportunity to land.

It only takes 1 person, 1 vision, 1 chance to change things.

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That’s the point of a brawl, isn’t it? Onslaught was my vision of blitz; short and to the point, pure fighting. No Takas allowed, go Phinn legendary and one-trick the hell out of them with your ult. Or punt everyone into the sun with CP CD Glaive. No strategy required.

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My favourite game mode is one that starts within a minute of que time.

What Vainglory lacks most of all is a good play time to time spend in app ratio.

Playtime should be 90% of your time spend. This is still a mobile game yet many pc titles are less demanding on your time. There was a time where you could play a 20 minute game within a timeframe of 30 minutes. It would be so healthy for the game if we could go back to that.

I am now playing more games a day then ever in half the time spend… Sadly this is not in Vainglory.

2.8 the golden days of Vainglory, a time where we were in anticipation of all the great things to come, not yet let down by the developers…


keep this up and you’re on the fastrack to being the new forum meme buddy

Can’t become a better meme than the moba for touch control, ehm sorry joystick control…


Iam not against people read and comment here
The whole point was explaining why I didn’t add more options , and to be fair the forum has a lot of threads about how people not enjoying the game and I agree with them , so this thread is about comparing game modes and see what is the enjoyable one for us , and mentioning 3v3 golden age and brawl before talents is ok because people here explaining the enjoyment part in the game modes , make game modes great again .

I basically quit VG before joining VG reddit to saltpost.
Truly, such a wonderful community behind a game that is a mere shadow of what it hoped to be.


I imagined there was a choice of " 3v3 and 5v5 " and then clicked that spot.

Needless to say nothing happened