What are your hopes for balance changes next patch?

this I gotta agree with. He needs that damage switched over to his A or B somehow. I hope they don’t over nerf him though because his ult still needs to be strong just not as bad as it is now.

Nerf WP Infusion. It only lasts for 150 seconds, but it’s power at level 12 far supersedes that of its CP counterpart when you take into consideration what sorts of heroes (namely S-class ones) abuse WP infusion the most—namely Kinetic, Idris, and Silvernail. 35% bonus attack speed at level 12, 40 WP at level 12, and a T1 shield and armor for a mere 500 gold (which is easy-as-piss to regain off of late game minion waves and funneled jungle farm) is insane and has been for several patches now.

Buff Aftershock to 12% max health damage and increase life steal from 25% to 30% (or least buff this item to a state where it isn’t so potato).

Nerf Spellfire. Seriously. Currently it is the strongest 1st item in the CP item tree due to how it works. A hero like Celeste for example gets 80 CP from it, yet the bonus DoT damage from SF is 98 when she is at level 5. And it deals mortal wounds.

Meanwhile, SG is 3000 gold (SF is 2900) yet only gives out 130 CP, no mortal wounds (which hurts enemy lane sustain since mages are now building BoE instead of a second crystal bit or battery nowadays), and no heavy DoT debuff to enemies hit with skills.

Nerf SC in 3s. If you’ve played against a duel-SC composition in higher elo you’d know why it’s needed.

Buff Taka.

Buff Koshka. Her damage is fine, but give her a small bump in her speed boost and make her perk last longer. Seriously, why is Anka of all heroes faster and more mobile than a hero whose entire core identity is founded upon being the fastest thing in the game?

Nerf Idris, or at least make it so all three of his build paths have good cons and pros if picked. Hybrid should be viable, but it shouldn’t automatically be the go-to Idris build. I’d like to see more CP and WP Idris played in ranked.

Buff RB. Make it so you can block stuff while stunned. Reduce its CD.

Nerf jungle camp tankiness.

Nerf ambient gold in lane.

Fix top. I don’t know how to. Just do it.

Do something with 3s. It’s hideously broken right now.

Nerf Lorelai.

Nerf Skaarf.

Nerf Flicker’s damage.

Nerf Magnus.

As a matter of fact, nerf the damage on all captain heroes. This meta sucks.

EDIT: How could I have possibly forgotten one of the most OP bot picks in 5s right now?



Why everyone hates Magnus so much? i get it, his ult is broken, but you have 1s to dodge it, SH makes wonders. If you just nerf his ult he will be back to the low win rate he had (43%), you cant just nerf it, you have to change it, nerf the ult and buff other parts of the kit, otherwise he may be nerfed this update, but next one will be buffed, and we will have a hero that will be constantly being nerfed/buffed.

Agree with all except Phinn, Reim, and SAW.

Phinn is only OP because Cruc is currently under-powered. Rebuff Crucible back to where it was and people will stop banning Phinn (and then they will draft him into Yates who he hard counters). I will say that Phinn’s A damage needs to be reduced however, but that just goes with nerfing the damage on most of the captain heroes.

Reim is in a weird spot. He is on the very cusp of being viable imo with just a tweak or two to his base stats and maybe his perk. His WR is currently above 52% in both main modes.

SAW might need a rework to his B. Make it so he can cancel it. Also make it so he gains stacks over time while his B is channeling and if he cancels it early, he keeps the stacks he has accumulated.

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Just make him a WP assassin instead of a CP one for him to have some counter play.

Just change his perk to where when he hits the threshold for both paths, which ever path (CP or WP) has the most power is the the dominant path he will get.

Eliminate side lane ambient gold share.

Honestly before they even touched her on 3.8 she was fine. Im not surprised that they did something so unnecessary like usual🙂

Kinetic has always been so suppressive when it comes to Early, Mid, and Late game so why not switch it up.

At lvl 1, she starts off with a limit of one stack of her tracer shots and it increases to 2 at lvl 2, 3 at lvl 4, and 4 at lvl 6 (Like what we have now).

Less oppressive at early game and normal at late. Her A will remain the same since its a good poke on WP and Cp

If you nerf her Perk, its going to affect her drastically since its a core part of her kit and I saw someone talking about nerfing her A but that would limit her build design since it force her to buy SSW

That would kill the only viable hybrid hero.

I would make it so it scales with the level of her ult, she starts with 1 stack, gaining stacks per level of ult: 1/2/3, leaving her the same if the ult is maxed. Right now she is op in early, mid and late game, this would change that.

Honestly, I don’t care how, just kill Kinetic, like c’mon, she doesn’t even have AA animation and her ult one is the same as kestrel’s.


Kekek thats the point.

I always hated him so :skaarf:

I’m editing, didn’t end quoting XD
Edit: done

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Lmao I love your attitude in this post. So needed at this point. Also I gotta say I disagree with captain nerfs. This is the only update where off meta captains are so freaking viable it’s beautiful. You’re not stuck just being a capt if you don’t want to be, HOWEVER I do think almost all captains need a ratio OR base damage nerf, wp or cp. They get too powerful too early for a capt. Captains need killing potential but just about every captain only needs one or two key items to play as a carry while some carries need 4 minimum. That’s not okay. And let me say it: churnwalker didn’t need THAT much of a buff jeez.

Stop trying to foce a META. Let MOBA be MOBA and let individual players, parties, and teams determine the “META”. To buff an entire group of heroes (captains) was an interesting move and it has proven a bit annoying.

I think 5v5 should be re-worked in general. I wonder how interesting the game would be if the map was not mirrored. If you played from the right or the left, and it was random. Thoughts on this?

Nerf Lorelai significantly. Nerf Kinetic significantly or at least make it harder to land her skill shot, perhaps A travels slower? Nerf Magnus’s ult significantly, touch up his basic, A, and B.

This ma y be an unpopular opinion, but: nerf Vox’s resonance bounce damage or it’s range.

Rework: Ambient gold in lane, jungle monster health/toughness

If you nerf it’s range he becomes useless as he was before update 3.0

For those wondering:

Joule’s ult at the third level deals 1200 damage over 1.5 seconds.
Since it deals 150 points of damage multiple times when used against a naked Vain Crystal, it deals its damage in 8 ticks over that period of 1.5 seconds.

In comparison, Magnus’s ult at the third level deals 700 damage in one hit and 1050 damage in one hit when the target has Arcane Mark on it.

If a target has 100 shields and assuming that all of Joule’s damage ticks lands…

{Damage formula → Damage deal = (damage an ability or basic attack will deal) divided by [1 + (armour or shield of target over 100)]}

Joule will deal 75 damage to a 100 shield target 8 times if all her ticks lands, totaling up to 600 damage at the end.

Magnus will deal 350 damage on a non-Arcane marked target with 100 shields and 525 damage on an Arcane marked target.

Although Joule overall deals more damage with her ult compared to Magnus (and her ult has a much higher CP ratio too)…

…Magnus’s advantage with his ult is that it will never have a disparity in its damage when it lands, unlike Joule who could potential loose several of the damage ticks from her ult if the opponent is quick to dodge.

Plus, Magnus’s ult lands quicker and has a much greater range. Even then, Magnus can make up for the lesser damage his ult has over Joule with his finger snap and relatively quick projectiles from his A and B.


@RSerperior How can Rona be buffed further? I think she’s fine now, just that the meta doesn’t really favor her right now.


@RiseChu I know you were joking, but what if another company takes over SEMC? What do you think will happen to VG then?


@TheInterpreter I agree that Lorelai needs a nerf, but why Adagio and Skaarf though?

A weapon Adagio, while a meme and ok, is barely a threat compared to some other heroes.

Not sure why Skaarf needs a defense nerf. His base defenses are already the lower range that mages have.


@anon53431234 Nice points I say.

Especially the point about Infusions.

I’m not sure how it could be fixed, but I feel it is time that they break up the Infusions into more Infusions but give players the option to hold on onto more than one Infusion at a time (I say two Infusions would be fine).

Something like a set of Infusions that looks like this.

  • An energy regen infusion.
  • An armor infusion.
  • A shield boost infusion.
  • An attack speed infusion.
  • A flat weapon boost infusion.
  • A flat crystal boost infusion.

Maybe they can also introduce movement speed infusion too. No health regen infusion unless it is very short cause that will bust some heroes.

Spellfire I think should be nerfed. I believe it is what made Skaarf a high pick this patch. Nerf this item and Skaarf should be ok if they just tame down his damage just a little bit.

As for Stormcrown, I think a nerf isn’t enough. The true damage item sets have always been an issue ever since they messed with it and unintentionally created the bum rush Warhorn tactic that occurred two years ago I think. It’s time I think for them to seriously consider making Jungle items and removing the true damage items.

As for your other points, I think they are valid and does not really need much clarification.


@Guest_78 I fear for Magnus’s balance. He was buffed because people complained. Now his broken because of that and now people are complaining he is too strong.

This could cause a vicious cycle until the devs get tired and just double down on nerfing and putting aside for later (or forever as with some of our heroes - poor Petal and Taka).



In response to your response to Gatorrex, I think Phinn only needs a nerf to his Heroic Perk and the damage on his B.

The perk never got adjusted when defense items got buffed and the damage on the B is what makes Phinn so obnoxious to fight early on. His A is fine cause it’s generally easy to dodge it and it doesn’t stun until he maxes it out.

SAW I think should just get his movement speed slowing based on his stacks either reworked or removed. To me, SAW died a long time ago after they introduced mages (starting with Skaarf). He just stayed relevant pass that stage cause he’s a good early game bully and players are terrible at dealing with him at the lower tiers. He needs a slight overhaul compared to Petal I say.


@Guest_78 @RiseChu Kinetic, in my opinion, was a hero they should have released much much earlier into the game’s life. Probably in place of SAW. Her simplistic design is just a pain to balance. Any simple and straightforward hero historically have their viability dictated by their numbers.

Design wise, I feel Kinetic’s design is ok but just too plain for my taste.

As for Idris… I’m ok with his overall design, but he has too much going for him in the current state of the game and his decent to generous numbers. Personally, I hate him because his Rare Talent was busted for so long and was a pain in the ass to deal with in Blitz for over a year. It’s still a pain but less so nowadays. I just want that Talent reworked or get a good bug fix already.


@Lebatron Forcing a meta, in my opinion, will lead VG down the path Overwatch took. The kept forcing certain things by changing certain heroes significantly such as Mercy.

I have long thought of how 5v5 map could be interesting, but I feel the ideas I have simply calls for a new map to be build from the ground up.

5v5 map to me is beautiful but the overall design mechanics wise is a bit stale cause it mimics the classic map design MOBAs always seem to follow. I no one even bothering to try a new style of 3 lanes 5v5 maps nowadays? :v:


@Lebatron @Guest_78

Personally, I think Vox’s crystal damage on his basic attack and resonance should be toned down slightly.

He has too high of a pick and win rate right now after all.

I think the best way to tone him down is to make him kite more and somehow force him to pick up Eve of Harvest more often so he has to rely on it as he ramps up with Dragon’s Eye.

Other than that, they could just take away his crystal basic attack component and kick him back to being a weapon sniper with bounces, but that will be too cruel to players and Vox himself, heh.


If the opponent is quick enough to dodge most of joule’s ult they are quick enough to dodge all Magnus ult, negating 100% of damage.

It doesn’t land quicker though, it takes a full second to hit.

The problem with Rona is that she depends mostly on her ult for survavility, making her very vulnerable to CC, and now with the roams being op we are in a heavy cc meta.

Me too, that’s the problem. The buff was made IMO too early, they just needed to fix the A bug (and still need). The last thing I would have buffed was the ult, it’s like an AoE ranged team execute. I would have buffed maybe his A and passive.
In fact, that’s what happened with kensei, he is being changed in every update, either buffing or nerfing him. As soon as they nerf him they buff him, and as soon as they buff him they nerf him.

In early heroes doesn’t have the mobility to dodge it. That damage is destroying heroes like they were minions. Agree about the passive, it makes him way too tanky.

Funny thing is that they’ve been nerfing his kiting time and time again.

Honestly, I would like that, I prefer WP Vox, problem is, that he is weak as WP, so killing CP Vox would just kill the hero.

There are some pros and cons to having a company like Tencent being left in charge of the game but overall the current dev team we have now today is much better than the alternative.

Saw HAD a nice place in the VG roster (back around 2014) until after the increase of playable heros. Saws problem now is that there is so much heros and items that restrict his WP build in my opinion.

Now this is a post. For my part I just find wp adiago so annoying when the player is good. Early game is a PAIN against him. As for skaarf, late game he can be a bit too ruthless to entire teams with little effort other than popping your ult from some random place and zooming in with boots. I would like his damage on his ult to fall off if bodyblocked like his fireball pass through at least because late game he feels like a one trick: just shoot your balls until they’re weak enough and your de stacks are high enough, find a safe spot to pop the ult, and run in full speed and everyone dies lol.

Crucible needs a cooldown buff. Contract items need to be thought about, while still useful in 3v3 they do nothing at all in 5v5. Nullwave Gauntlet needs to be reworked entirely, not just buffed. Spellfire needs a nerf, potentially also poisoned shiv and spellsword but they may be ok. Heroes I more or less agree with you, although I still think Anka is overrated and not actually that OP. SAW also needs a rework.


Good points all around.

Magnus ult in my opinion is fair. The wind up to me however isn’t as noticeable as some others of similar design. It kinds of fades into existence and becomes most clear half way through the wind up I feel.

It’s true that Rona relies on her ult’s Fortified Health in tandem with Serpent’s Mask (and a few stacks of BP maybe). I did recall she was meta in 5v5 for a little bit, though I don’t recall what was the state of the meta at that time.

As for Kensei, I feel his design itself is flawed.
Scaling with the opponent is fine, but I think they should have controlled the bonus damage he gets from his perk by capping it like how Grace’s damage reduction is capped at a certain amount even if she gets more crystal power.

I have a slightly bad habit of rushing tier 2 boots in most of my games, so Phinn’s A is generally not much of an issue for me. Plus, I guess I don’t feel Phinn’s A being as impactful because I play Skaarf usually and buy a Tier 1 shield item shield early too.

I think Vox’s best identity is the “I’m the bounce maker that’ll make you cry.”
The problem I see with making him full CP based (as in getting rid of the weapon part of his basic attack entirely to become like the CP basic attackers we have) is that he competes with Varya.
Though he’s much more reliable in kiting and easier to use overall than Varya in my experience.


@RiseChu SAW to me started becoming less and less relevant when the longer ranged heroes started getting more early game damage and newer heroes being able to trade better into him. Not to mention newer Captains being able to essentially halt him and/or reel him for easy pickings.

I think SAW in the past had relevancy in the older days of VG because he had the best early game damage and could farm faster than any other hero in the game. Now, he’s outclassed by newer heroes and even some older heroes can farm better than him.

The only places I see SAW shine is in ARAL where his Talents boost him and/or give him a style that has impact. SAW nowadays in normal matches tends to not capitalise his early game pressure well in 3v3 and cannot function in a 5v5 most of the time.

SAW’s Legendary Talent is one that I feel could be incorporated into his normal kit for a decent and newer playstyle, with a few adjustments so that he doesn’t stab everyone into oblivion.

Other than that, a full rework would be nice. Though, given Petal has nlt been reworked for over a year, I doubt they’ll get around to reworking anyone else for a good amount of time.


Hah, I agree that a good WP Adagio can be a pain to deal with early game. It’s a bit sad he falls off pretty hard past that.

As for Skaarf, I think it’s the fault of the Captains that are in the meta and the strength of Spellfire that brought him up.

As someone who plays Skaarf decently in 5v5, I can say that Clockwork, Halcyon Chargers and Spellfire is my most successful build. The sheer amount of chipping damage when my Spitfire lands has carried games and blow up turrets once the build gets online. Add Frostburn to it and enemies are rarely ever able to get close, hehe.

I barely use his ult, but I do max it out and usually use it when enemies have burn through their CC and are trying to retreat. Slows them decently for my team mates to close in the distance and then keep up the chase as I somehow boost their speed while not roasting them alongside the enemies. #GameLogic

That said, if he gets nerfed, I’m fine with it. I don’t play as much 5v5 and I don’t farm his Talents (cause I feel his Talents are too much of a crutch and degrades ones performance on him.).



A slight buff to Reflex Block items would be nice. I think they cannot revert it back entirely though, as Crucible before this was too relevant and made some hero abilities less imoactful than they should be.

Contracts just need to be reworked alongside the removal of Stormguard Banner and Stormcrown. At the same time, I think they should consider introducing Captain/Support specific item like League’s by removing Ambient Gold.

Nullwave Gauntlet to me has it uses in mostly baiting out a Reflex Block/Crucible from the opposing Captain. When that got item silence application got nerfed, it loss its uses. Furthermore, with 5v5 having more CC to bait out the item and other defense items being more appealing, I think it needs a rework.

Spellfire I feel needs a bit of nerf to its base damage and slight tap to its scaling.

Anka doesn’t feel as bad now I think? Still wrecks people though.

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And Magnus. Right now Varya seems like an all in mage dashing and using your A to burst someone. Vox seems more like Magnus.

The problem is that some abilities were balanced according to the RB. Abilities like Blast Tremor or Verse of Judgement win the fight when are able to hit, and the RB is not enough due to the cooldown differences. Forced Accord is also a good example.

It’s not about you being quick enough. It’s about everyone on your team being quick enough. The Ult is broken because of the DPS and the Arcane Mark damage.

The problem with Magnus’ design is by linking his skills together he will be hard to balance. He needs his A nerfed because of it’s interaction with his Ult, but he still needs his A to do damage.

The solution is a flat nerf to the Ult and to have the Mystic Missiles that proc do 50% of their damage. I would take the base damage from 400/550/700 to 300/425/550 and drop the scaling to 120%.

Forced Accord needs a travel time speed reduction. So does Wolf’s Maw. I think the RB changes are ok, but they need to balance small details like skill movement speed instead of only tweeking damage and cooldown.

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Also it has like no sound effect, which is the most annoying part. I hate it, not because it’s stupid strong, or because it’s impossible to dodge (it isn’t that hard tbh) but because the animation is retarded and it has no sound effect. If it has one at all, I am yet to hear it, and the animation looks like something out of mobile legends. It’s ugly. What happened to those beautiful graphics they like to boast about?