Well it's sad to see the forum's user count just dwindled over the years

I forgot. I typed this at midnight in my country bro.

Actually, he isn’t active as he used to be.

I’m active here?



Ok then.


Hello there mate.

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I’m one of the most active people here. Rough, didn’t make the list of cool kids

For real though, this site has had zero advertising from SEMC, is run completely by the community, and is less than 3 months old.

Not only has the forums grown, but as there is more content, more will come. Who knows, SEMC just needs to recognize it and then there is a new influx of users


Sorry. I forgot you again. That’s probably due to what is called “The midnight effect”

The action-romance novel ?

My life is more interesting than I thought



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raises hand :frowning: you left me out

Aw come on, who did I leave out again?

what is th emidnight effect? i googled it and it comes up with an action-romance novel


No my Midnight Effect is different. It’s the sleepiness.
Ps I did not research that much so my Eng. may be wrong.

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Your sleepiness is an action-adventure novel? Lol just messing with you and for future reference listing out “cool kids” names like in your OP won’t end well :stuck_out_tongue:


I just want to honor them.

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actually what I feel about this forum compared to the old one is accessibility. in the old one it is so easy to post in general discussion/ off topic/ e sport section. here it is so limited for user where to post. even some place like broken pipe or off topic section is kinda exclusive here

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Definately mate. Definately.

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Where am I

This text isn’t blurred

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banished back to off topic owo

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Vgfire is still thing? Why do they even bother advertising it? It’s been dead for years.


Ohh you remembered me! (nobody ever remembers me)

Anyway, to the point. We should Advertise. On Twitter, on Reddit, wherever else we can. If everyone does it, we should increase the userbase at least a bit.

I have felt it seems a little dead, especially after I got no replies other than the person I @'ed on my latest fan hero… so yeah advertise. Just post links wherever seems appropriate.

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