Voice chat makes fps drop to 15

So we have just decided to play 5v5 ranked with that new voice chat feature… I haven’t seen that low fps since playing on my friend’s IPhone 4…
In menu it was pretty OK, but when I entered match it was like 10-20 fps (usually 40-50). 2 of my friends confirmed it (they have the same device).
Discord doesn’t make any lags, so I will use it.

My device is Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X
My operating system is Android 7.1.2 (custom ROM Resurrection Remix 5.8.5, my friends have MIUI 9)
Idk what to do, it’s unplayable

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Simple, dont use the voicechat feature.

Might sound not helpful but its true. If u have another device, u can use a voicechat app (Discord) to talk to your teammates.

Edit: i just realized u said u already use discord… oops.

Totally not surprised. VG is the only app I use that’s utterly intolerant of network latency – so let’s suck up some more bandwidth by trying to add voice chat!



I have the same issue, but then on my phone it also occurs when using Discord. I’m using a cheap Samsung J5 tho, so that would probably explain it.

I experience this also (I use a Moto g5splus) some of my guild mates don’t they might be using this year’s flagships tho

Just wanna say I use the same phone like you lol. But I can’t play VG on phone, too small to tap

Voice chat makes my game crash :smile_cat:

Vain is playable on iPhone 4??? what???

No, it isn’t.
This text won’t be blurred

The problem is not in network, but in fps

Ah, gotcha, makes sense. I was thinking network because that’s the fussiest part of the VG code. That’s even more reason that they should just leave voice to services like Discord, though!

Don’t have a fps problem but voice chat doesn’t even work from my end, I can hear other people fine but no one can hear me.

works on my Ipad 2 pretty well.