VGFCOW Week 28 Jul 21 - 27 2019

We’ve got ourselves a tight race! @VaKTaBi (and his brother… it’s 2v1 here! I call foul!) has taken a 4 point lead over your generous, handsome, merciful, and all-wise Overlord. But fear not, loyal subjects, for I shall prevail! Others can, and should get into the mix to see how you can spice things up.

Here we go for week 28!

Brawl/Event Modes
Both RUMBLE and ARAM are currently active. ARAM is not supposed to be available again until 7/25, but RUMBLE is on schedule, so in-case ARAM gets taken down soon, only RUMBLE will be utilized for the event mode. Also, due to community feedback, we won’t be utilizing completing events/missions that SEMC is providing, as they seem to require new heroes/skins, which some may not feel like spending the :ice: on.

  • Win a RUMBLE with 0 deaths
  • Win a RUMBLE with the highest KDA of all 10 players
  • Win a BLITZ with a score of 10 or higher
  • Win a ARAL using a rare talent with a KA score of 10 or higher

Standard Modes

  • Win a casual 5v5 with the hero SAW with a KDA of 3 or higher
  • Win a ranked 5v5 with 15 or more assists
  • Win a ranked 3v3 in 14:59 or faster, KDA of 3 or higher
  • Win a ranked 5v5 in 24:59 or faster, KDA of 3 or higher

And so it begins…

All brawl/event challenges complete.

  • Blitz with 12 pts
  • ARAL w/ Varya rare with 10+ KA
  • 2 for one with the one and only, :skaarfneon::skaarf::skaarfneon:, @Hipsterskaarf, in RUMBLE with zero deaths and highest KDA in match.

I’ll take those 2 bonus points as well!

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But you had 1 week of advantage.


But… You… I… Touché, señor.

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Casual 5v5 with SAW (KDA 12)
Ranked 5v5 with more than 15 assists before 24:59
Ranked 3v3 with more than 3 KDA before 14:59

2 bonus points for me

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What kind of magic is this? english, french and spanish? :scream::scream::scream::scream:


I’m a worldly man, mi amigo, a worldly man.

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Dude, my kensei is starting to become op

its not like I have a kensei one trick telling me what I have to do

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Rumble with 0 deaths and the highest KDA of the match (2 in 1)
Blitz with a score of 10
ARAL with 10 KA

End of the CoW

Casual 5v5 with SAW and ranked 3v3 challenges complete. 2 more to go.

Shout out to @coltonJW for helping me get the last one done! Grace with 15 assists yesterday, and Varya (Lebatron plays Varya!?) For under 24:59

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