VG & Mobile MOBAs

Actually as we all expected , the exception is becoming a rule. The next update will also be 1.5m instead of 1. Reducing the updates per year from 12 to 8 + 4 less heroes per year with the current tempo. They obviously slow down the development. Will not be surprised if they move to 1 update every two months.

[source: Google Trends]


I wonder if you could merge that trend with the AoV and ML one :thinking:

Edit: I tried but the trend is solely based off of US so VG is obviously in the lead, but if it was global, I doubt it would 1st

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Unfortunately, I don’t think the trend for AoV is valid, because Google isn’t the primary search engine in China, where AoV is absolutely HUGE. (And yes, I did the search for “Honor of Kings” as well – Google lumps it in with “Arena of Valor”)


Those games (AOV and ML) are so huge that people don’t google search for them. They play them.

We don’t generally need a diagrams to know where VG is going and that the other popular mobile mobas are doing good and growing.

Actually, I disagree with pretty much all of that :wink:

People do in fact search for games that they play – looking for news, images, and so on – when they’re not playing them. It’s a measure of engagement, and there’s no reason to believe that AoV players are any less likely to do a search for AoV related stuff than Vainglory players.

As far as graphs such as the ones I shared, I think they do serve a very useful purpose. Unless SEMC are completely insane, they are looking at much more detailed metrics in order to monitor their growth (or lack of it) as well as that of their competitors. The fact that all three mobile MOBAs show a drop in engagement is a sign that the genre is shrinking right now, not growing. (The hot category right now is Fortnite/PUBG style battle royale games – take a look at the Google Trends graph for THAT, if you want to see something!)

BTW, I think I’ve hijacked this topic, so I’m going to split off this discussion into a new thread …


Mobile mobas hahahahaha , vg ceo is laughing at you right now
We are cross platform baby , vg ceo screaming

I think they made it cross platform to make the game fail reasonable after all , I don’t know why I stopped writing in my (vg dying documentary thread) , cross platform desicion is interesting .

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I feel like MOBAs in general, all die eventually. Their replay value decreases as the player base decreases. I’ve noticed how there is a small 5 year generation for each mobile MOBA, the earliest I experienced would be HOC along with a few others but HOC was the most dominant during the time. And now we have this trio. A game trying to survive off scraps as it is the eldest, another trying to reform its identity and the youngest being the one getting all the attention it can.

Though MOBAs might just be dying in the west and not east so.

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I think that this is a big waste of time, LoL (maybe Dota 2) rules over on the pc moba platform.

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Yeah, to me it seems like a massive waste of resources.

Because, honestly, if I have a pc I wouldn’t even bother downloading vainglory, I’d just go play Overwatch or literally anything else.


I put in clash of clans and clash royale just for fun. VG’s graph was like a line in front of COC and CR lmao

VG was so ahead of it’s time and instead of making it a solid game + take their time to forge a 5vs5 with a lot of love, uniqueness, attention to detail, hero redesign around their original kit but for 5vs5… instead they started to implement half baked things and do everything for a money grab from the few that still plays.

They not only didn’t evolve the game that was ahead of it’s time while the mobile market catch up, but they took decisions that makes it half the game it once was. Sad.

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I hate to admit it but they should have imported it to the Switch not Pc. SEMC claims to be the best mobile game when the PC isnt really mobile if you don’t include Laptops.

Switch would have been better atleast