Switch ‘n’ Swap Fan Art Contest!
Draw a hero with a skin theme from a different hero!
Due July 23 by 11:59pm ET
Be sure to tag #vgswitchnswap
Win SP Fortress, a Rare skin, or retweet/like to win the newest hero!
Draw a hero with a skin theme from a different hero!
Due July 23 by 11:59pm ET
Be sure to tag #vgswitchnswap
Win SP Fortress, a Rare skin, or retweet/like to win the newest hero!
Just when school starts this event happens. Good luck to all entries!
Guess I have some time to kill
@HipsterSkaarf does it need to be hand drawn? or I can edit a vainglory splash art in photoshop and use it for the competition
I assume hand-drawn, but I’ll check with Bleeko.
gonna participate… kekekekekeek
Looks like Bleeko answered you on twitter, but for everyone else, yes, Photoshop is ok, but it’d have to be pretty amazing to win top prize. A digital collage work could maybe end up winning coolest concept, but the judges are definitely partial to more traditional skills.
Is it possible to reuse art that you’ve submitted for fun before? I want to enter, but I don’t have the time to commit anymore
(It was really fun making this a few months ago, and I wish it could be submitted as Gift-wrapped Celeste.
Here’s the winning entry by Rawzri in the “funniest” category:
i was wondering why is there 4 arms…
Yeah, I really like this one too. It took the Steam Knight concept and built it around Malene’s design (what does a steamknight tiara look like? how about a hoop skirt?), instead of just putting Malene in a new costume, if that makes sense.
Another must buy! (Gwen main here!)
I saw this as a WIP on the artists’ Discord … the final product is great!
That’s fantastic, I want a whole pirate crew now
I just can’t get behind that take on Gwen. She’s a pirate now, and no booty to speak of? And even the emphasis on her full rack of big guns seems somewhat misplaced, despite the unfortunate New Year’s anti-grav incident.
The concept for Malene, on the other hand, is a thing of beauty. 'would tempt me to play her more often.
I want that pirate Gwen to be made an actual skin, it honestly looks better than her other ones.