Vainglory doesn't feel like it's retained it's quality; it's no longer as thrilling, or fun

I notice that many of you are mentioning reduced toxicity in 5v5 ranked matches. I haven’t played a ranked match in either 3v3 in months or 5v5 ever … I prefer to play casual matches, and that’s not been a fun environment over the last few patches.


No but try top laner baron in casual where you are againsts another push laner

Lol. Totally feel the same way. Also +1 for using the word, “ranky!”


In SEA, it’s the polar opposite. It’s a clusterfk and there seems to be no way to solve it.

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Believe it or not, that’s a semi-official term within SEMC … :joy:


I wanted to reply to this earlier, but it was like 4 AM. :sweat_smile:

Based on my time spent in both the subreddit and here, I can say that it’s clear that people experience radically different groups of mentality when queueing or playing. What confuses me more is that my karma in-game is, and has mostly been since the day 1, great. Maybe because I’m a somewhat tilt-free player I get bundled with people who are ridiculous? I don’t know. I couldn’t say. The attitudes don’t bother me as much as the frequency of which I see said attitudes. Griefing in-game is a different story. Almost every match has some sort of visibly intentional high-effort griefing that is fairly de-motivational.

Matchmaking quality isn’t so bad anymore. Matchmaking times have certainly gotten worse. As you might have noticed in my OP, my listed gripes aren’t very lengthy - they’re just points I’ve gathered when wondering why my emotional outlook of this game has come to what it is.

Finishing matches due to some of the aforementioned issues, and some of the issues in my OP do make finishing matches a chore, yes. When you’re attempting to finish a match with a solid fist and an open heart with only 3 people remaining on your team who’re uninterested in working together, it’s not that satisfying. I’m an absolute sucker for the nailbiting, heart-pounding, sweat-inducing close-call battles and high-octane rushes this game used to offer me, but those aren’t as often anymore. Hell, I could argue that that’s a rush I look for in videogames. I’m not someone who needs to win. I’m someone who wants to enjoy the time spent working towards the outcome, and as of late I can’t.

Thanks for the reply, unrelated but I wanted to say it’s nice to see you on here - we’ve spoken in the past in the subreddit and you’ve always been an awesome moderator there.


I hear you, but I wouldn’t say that I’m “fooling myself” by continuing to play. I’ll play when the desire is there. The desire just surfaces far less than it used to.

As for sticking around because of friends, well, bless this Forum because every one of you is pretty damn fantastic.


This is why I hate the surrender option with a passion on either team. Some of the best matches come from either side having their back against the wall hell in a few 3v3 games i have played in a team stopped 2 krakens and stole a 3rd and won

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Reduced because of the lpq and without rank when you are there. That measure is great for ranked, but still… I had a saw player today doing circles around the vaincrystal because I was building offence on lance capt paired with utility, he wanted me to rush fountain. We won 4vs5 that game.

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For some reason Saw players seem to be the biggest trolls

What brings you to this conclusion?

In my experience I have seen majority of active trolling come from Saw. Now this doesn’t mean that there isn’t trolling going on with any other hero, or that all Saw players troll.

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Saw can be a solid pick in the right hands and team. Maybe less skilled players are drawn towards his easy big dmg numbers, but don’t know how to play around his weaknesses and are easily tilted.


I think SAW’s win conditions are really misunderstood by most players. He’s an excellent split-pusher, but requires either a little babysitting or the rest of the team to dedicate themselves to distracting the enemy to other parts of the map. Plus, he’s not mobile, so it’s tough for him to Stick together! for teamfights… As a result, he ends up seeming selfish, and a lot of players start resenting their SAW teammate. :sad:


I don’t resent a saw teamate. I resent a saw trollmate. By that i mean sawing saw as a roam, saw who doesn’t engage in fights, saw who walks in the middle of fights acting like a tank expecting the captain to save them

I heard this ping so clearly in my head as I read this.


This is a good point I would like to comment. Teams rarely understands that they need to stick around saw in teamfights and that he can’t go with “the flow” of the fight. He needs to be that flow for his team. Otherwise they exclude one of the biggest dmg dealers and go 4vs5, frequently without actually realising it.

Saw is one of those heroes whom the all team should play around. If that happens he is a tool for split pushing, objectives and team fights - all in all, great pick. :slight_smile:

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Yup, definitely. A lot of the negative reputations of certain heroes really hurt the images of them and the players who pick them, especially in soloQ. For example, I’ve faced a pretty decent amount of flaming from toxic players for losses out of my control as a single person when using Ozo. His reputation for being a bad to only decent hero just creates an image of me not knowing/understanding the meta at all.


Eliminate them. Now. No heresy against our other lord and savior husbando Ozo


As far as I am aware, your karma has no affect on how you are matched. It really only gives a Glory bonus, unless you have Bad Karma.

High-five to another hard to tilt player! Not gonna lie, reading stories about people who feel like they have to ping at their teammates or how it’s their teammates’ fault that they’ve sold their items and/or AFKed has never hit any kind of chord with me, just because I’ve never felt even the most remote desire to do something that would compromise our ability to win (except go for risky quads and pentas, but I dunno if anyone can blame me there).

By high-effort griefing, do you mean trolling that is masked enough to probably not get enough reports for LPQ? I know what you mean, and I’ve had that happen a handful of times with junglers who get super tilted and start playing very unnecessarily aggressive. Nonetheless, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and they don’t seem to be completely trolling, so I tend not to downvote unless I’m 100% sure.

Honestly, my matchmaking times aren’t too different from my 3v3 matchmaking times about a year ago, before interest for 3v3 really started to wane. Late night queues are a bit longer, but that’s it.

I’ll be honest with you, I have some trouble relating here. Even in matches I know I’m almost certain to lose, I usually still stay pretty engaged and interested in the next teamfight. I can think of maybe a single match in the past 80+ games I’ve played where it dragged out further than I wanted it to, but that was mostly because it was a 30 minute game that resulted in me being a touch late meeting some friends and had nothing to do with my personal enjoyment of the game.

Good to be here! I was born from the Vainglory Community Forums, so I definitely want to support the fan-made forums as well!