Update 4.3 Release Notes

Lol if they reverted the nerf, she would gain atleast 16 stacks per teamfight (ult on 5 enemies and a couple of As) :clown_face:

Good times… :smiley: :man_superhero:

Remember one gauntlet man? Good times

But now 5vs5 map everything change she need become more tanky coz more 2 players

I Love heroes who have stacks why not make her late game hero?

Just Nerf her state and buff her passive

One shot ardan 1.23 I think? Ozo patch Good times

She was permabanned in 5v5 because of that buff. She becomes way too hard to kill lol

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Thats somewhat complex to balance. And it would hurt her more than do good.

That would force Catherine players to struggle to find a way to gain enough stacks to be sturdy. She would be extremely squishy especially for a captain.

Shes good rn as she is imo.

Let her passive stack 3+ instead of 1+

And make her armor and shield 0 instead of 50or 70

Nerf her heath little bit

She be squishy early but extremly useful late game

Ult 5 person get 15 stacks

So basically she can carry your team late game

Catherine is perfect. Leave her alone! She’s never banned, I can always pick her, and I always win with her!

Okay, I exaggerated on that last statement. I mostly win =P

She is captain, not supposed to carry the team

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Semc hates tanky heroes , like reim used to generate fortified health fast and can maintain it but they reworked him because of mobility heroes and nerfed his fortified health , like last time I played him in casual I generated a good amount of fortified health because the enemy was unskilled but I lost it so fast by a little damage from enemy laner , but you see them giving squishy heroes all the stats to make them survive and poke as they want .

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That’s the problem, range carries are too self-sufficient. They have damage, sustain, poke, mobility, CC… Melee has been suffering to reach them, and each time any melee can do something, they just need him.

Reza (an assassin) can kill the bot laner (range squishy)? Nerf to Reza. Glaive can tank and kill the enemy laner? Nerf Glaive. BUT: Kinetic can win everyone and no melee has any chance to beat her: buff her so they reduce that minimal chances. Skye beats every single melee in 1v1: buff more her damage (instead of thinking why she is not meta in 5v5).

Melees really suffers… especially late game it’s super fun fun when they have to jump into the team fight centre and get destroyed so fast that your team members won’t do enough to justify your death. If you go full tank you will still die relatively fast, but you will do NO dmg (so they can even ignore you and focus your team dmg dealer).

For me HP/armour/shied should scale a lot more for melees with levels. That way early they will still be similar as now, but late game stand a chance. Especially the latest levels (9/10-12) should scale more.

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I noticed that a couple of ranged heroes got mild reductions to their range. With that, and with newer melee heroes all having longer range (either on their AA or on abilities), it seems like the game is moving towards more homogeneous ranges.

It doesn’t solve anything. Range carries just need to CC you and kite with their infinity dashes.

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Melee players who don’t “kite” or pick situational pushes are the ones that suffer. Most melee players I see that struggle seem like they assume all they have to do is literally sit there in a fight and they will win. Melee is about much more than brute power or attack speed.

The best meleers might not even damage an enemy until the perfect moment. The range carry’s job is to be the one chipping or poking away at enemies, especially early game, while the melee hero is supposed to be able to get in and finish the job, and a big problem a lot of melee players have is they go into fight when they can’t close it, and that’s what meleers are supposed to be: closers (on average. There are melee users who bruise and tank, obviously, but most melee heroes are supposed to get in at a really opportune moment, get a kill or three, and back out.)

What really kills me nowadays are the meleers who think it’s effective to go into a fight to do enough dmg until you die. They basically try to take on the role of chippers even though they are most effective on weakened enemies, and it’s like…why.

In summary: melee heroes are easy to pick up, and easy to do well with even if you don’t know what you’re doing, as long as the enemy is inexperienced, but they actually require much more awareness of game mechanics to be effective than ranged carries do, at reasonable tiers of play.

So you are basically saying they should make the job of assassins? Then why not pick an assassin? That then bad game design, having a player don’t do anything until they can last hit a target it’s bad.

Good luck saying that to Silvernail, Skye or kestrel.


You are describing an assassin, bruisers aren’t supposed to be played like that.

Bruisers are supposed to enter in the middle of the teamfight to CC chain the enemy laner / duel the enemy bruiser and tank. They shouldn’t tank as much as a roam does, but they are meant to have more damage. It should be hard to dive a range hero, but once you did so, you should be able to kill him, but what happens is that you waste all your habilities diving them and they just CC, dash and surprise surprise, they are save again.

Kinetic for example: her dash has always lees cooldown than Afterburn, so each time you uses it, she will B+A and you won’t have any option against her. Caine will B+A and with that slow and the continuous dashes you are useless. There are many examples.

Range carries just have too many things that keep the save: at least 2 utility heroes (in this game there is a lot of anti dive kits, but not dive ones, so those who need to dive the enemy are by their own) + their own CC and dashes (they have stronger CC and dashes with less cooldown than the bruisers, so how the hell are melee supposed to fight range heroes?)

Bruisers can’t exist in a game where there is so much excessive cc. What @TheInterpreter said isn’t wrong. With the current state of the game and the roster of heroes, most melee players need to play in this manner.

What you two are saying, @VaKTaBi and @Guest_78 (especially the part about bad design) is also correct. However, you have to work with the ‘bad design’ not against it. A bruiser playing like a bruiser is going to get stomped in a team fight in 5v5 if the enemy team has an ounce of coordination.

Either rework bruisers to have some level of cc resistance, slightly buff move speed for them, or something - I don’t know. But bruisers can’t “bruise”… They just get bruised lol.