Update 4.2 First Impressions

Lol I kinda figured he’d be more balanced than some thought. He is severely hampered by his reload mechanic when it comes to being pressured/sustained fights against multiple enemies, combined with few items built, he can’t do much in terms of executing anyone. Now how strong his late game is, I dunno but I still largely feel he’s going to have a taka playstyle (in terms of when he really kicks off in power and how he gets his kills to a degree) and be better in jungle over time. Maybe more like Ylva. You can get the general idea.

I don’t think anyone is keeping record but I’ve been on point with my analysis of heroes, items, and builds, most likely anyway, since I started posting in the old forums. Still find it funny how people disagreed with me about magnus, but nowadays everyone feels like he’s the most op carry!

One thing I noticed: each of the 3 hits of the A count as basic attacks in terms of reducing the B cooldown, same for the ult. You can also activate the A with less than 3 bullets, but will shoot only the remaining bullets.

Yeah not saying he is not op. His ult at level 3 is RIDICULOUS

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First match:
My team: 1 close to silver, 1 silver playing like poa (taka going in vs 4 alone in middle, etc), 1 new hero that used only A… i.e. omg, 1 glave bot :)))) vs 4 silvers party. Also got a lot of lags

Second match:
LAGS, desync and the game ran at 15fps on NOTE 9! Dunno why, but the game ran 15 fps for real, it didn’t have 20 even for sure, supper choppy… never experienced that in VG! It started like 2m in till the end, the lags and desync all game… absurd, I wad tilted, was called noob (while I teleport), was insulted and had awful experience… I wanna cry. :frowning:

EU region

Yeah true, but he’s barely picked nowadays (which is a shame, I love his playstyle). I was mostly referring to the two other gunners : Ringo and Gwen.
Because then yeah, Skye requires ability skill, etc. But they don’t have the same gunner design as the three gunners.

Because he is worse than pateto.

Ringo and Gwen have easy kits because they were designed as noob friendly ones, and you can’t give a new player a hero that depends on complex mechanics.

I just hope SEMC learns from Magnus and waits before giving any buffs to Caine. Maybe a small nerf to his ult, but that’s about it

Remember what I said about Caine being balanced? I take it back. He is busted. SSw, TB, then crit is INSANE on him. Literally melts anyone if he lands 2 A’s on them and his ult just secures kills so easily. He is squishy, but he blows people up like CRAZY. The only hero that can really rival him in terms of how busted he is must be Magnus…and Grump

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Yeah, I saw Xeno streaming that build tonight. It was pretty ridiculous. He was smurfing though, so it’s hard to know exactly how well the build would do up against evenly scaled heroes, or players building appropriate defense. But yeah, it looked super strong.

I was playing that build and my GOD is it insane. In a ranked match he would be a MASSIVE threat. You qould absolutely need a Magnus to snipe him and honestly only a Magnus could beat him due to his insane long range burst (Also it is pretty fun winning my Caine mirrors 100% of the time :^) )


Interesting, I saw @NinjaBryden on Xenos stream as well :eyes:

About the build. It is REALLY annoying. He can get off 1k damage and his A is a the real threat. Not much so the execution since you have to position well.

IG San Feng is the real hero when it comes to melee fighting him and kiting mages.

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Yeah when I saw him SHREDDING health bars I was freaking out a bit in chat. Like they gotta nerf that A to like 50% WP. It’s INSANE

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I’ve been building Caine with Spellsword and Halcyon Chargers for 30% CDR, along with Bonesaw, Sorrowblade, and Serpent Mask. Once you get your cooldown and lvl 8 he becomes Lucian from LoL. You just B -> A -> C -> Auto and your B is back up again. Basically if you hit every bullet your dash is up again ready to reset your cooldowns. He can endlessly sling bullets and skirmish. And since your abilities apply Bonesaw you can Ult from max range and start shredding armor before committing with your B -> A -> C combo to finish. He’s really really good at kiting out divers as well.

How about you read the thread and find out? You lazy octopus.


In a party, you can queue as anything but ARAL. Yes, you can queue ARAM and Rumble.
Good job SEMc :heart_eyes:

Just some opinions on how powerful Caine is, I’ll also be making some comparison to Jhin from League of Legends as that is what I’m most familiar with.

His reload and stronger auto-attacks with his passive is felt to scale more later on, like Baron and his stronk AoE autos. Using all 6 Bullets feels rather lackluster with a small move speed boost when everyone else’s base speed has been buffed. But if we were to add something like even more damage, or a guaranteed crit like Jhin’s fourth shot, he could potentially be too powerful at some points as his B resets both his A and Ult cooldowns.

It’s somewhat hard to point out at what point he’s strongest.
He feels like he’s supposed to scale fairly well late game with his passive ratio and Ult execution threshold increasing, yet the reload mechanic gates that. One thing that League does with Jhin is the massive amount of Attack Damage (Weapon Power in VG) he can stack to make him scale well late despite having to reload. Caine however just feels kinda underwhelming and eventually becomes another generic WP Carry.

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See? It’s impossible to correctly judge the strength of a hero in the first hours.


Yeah…true…now let’s hope SEMC does not just give him and Magnus a small slap on the wrist next patch lul

This. Someone plays a few games and insta judge how the hero is OP or weak or balanced, etc. You need quite a good amount of time with a hero to have any valid opinion close to the real truth.

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Or else we end up buffing a strong hero hum Magnus hum…