Unable to connect

Hey guys, I installed VG after a long pause and I am unable to connect to the game. My internet speed is not the reason, I just checked and I have 140 Mbit/s download speed and 30 Mbit/s upload speed on my phone. And still it tells me that my connection is not good enough.

Samsung S8
Android 8.0 (I guess)

What exactly it tells you? I know for the fact that if some port is firewall disabled (never checked with one the game wants tho, but at work we have bunch of ports disabled and the game won’t load), the game will not load to the main menu. Maybe you are behind a firewall that is blocking a port the game needs (or your ISP does)?

Idk how to check that :frowning:
Restarted my Router and still doesnt work

Try on LTE/3G (mobile data, but keep in mind that it will use some data traffic).

I use data to play VG most of the time, as I live at a boarding school with WiFi that blocks the game. I usually go through 1GB of data every month just on VG, that’s playing ~2 full matches a day, plus 2 or 3 blitzes. Tbh it surprises me how little it is.

Use Vpn , if the game works with the Vpn it means there is a problem in the ports and maybe related to the ISP , there is a possibility of something wrong in the router , notice that some isp for example the game works in your wifi but doesn’t work in your phone data (4g) because they do package limitation and close ports .

Try again now, I saw a twitter post from SEMC (@vainglorystatus) that there were known connectivity issues for some users, fixed now.

Oh crap, I already deinstalled xD
Well I’ll try again sooner or later… but thanks to you all for helping me out on this