They should actually make Corpus a new hero

Lol its because she was a community nerf and not a actual balance nerf. Just like Rona. Just like Krul. Krul still has his niche and the new item helps him out so its whatever but Rona and Alpha are both ded heroes in a meta where some viable bruisers would help. Rona got nerfed too much and Alpha got a very pointless nerf the last time she was nerfed which forever kill her in high tiers. People just need to realize that these guys are bruisers that have single target attacks and fighting them as a group is the best solution. But low tiers will never learn and that is also why SAW is ded too but he was pretty toxic to play and play against so its whatever.

Single target attacks? Ehmm they deal aoe damage with their skills… They have wp ratios on those skills so it will connect.

Rona’s Ult isn’t her main damage source its just there to get BP stacks and have a bit of lifesteal but the latter part is debatable due to the existence of mortal wounds. She is slowed when she uses her Ult too so its literally there on the chance that they are grouped up together. And if they aren’t you’re just better off using her AA, which is her main damage source. Her early game is non existent and the late game doesn’t even make up for it. The only thing she had was her damage in a meta with mortal wounds. She was never able to 5v1 unless she was able to bounce from one person to the next but hey that applies to all melee champions.

I don’t know what you mean for AoE for Alpha. Yes CP it exists, but that died once 5v5 came out because she can’t reliably burst people down anymore and has nothing to contest (in 3v3 the middle treant). WP was the one where she can sustain and bruise and sure she has ratios but those ratios once again don’t help. Rona, Krul, Reim, Baptiste, Blackfeather, Vox and teamfights were all able to kill her effectively and with ease. Unless she is fed but that applies to everyone. She has that small amount of AoE damage on her B but is that really anything? Termination Protocol has the big base damage but that is there to make people get off of her and gives her time to do extra damage before dying.

These two heroes are just examples of too much nerfing. Some nerfs were key but other nerfs are too much. Like Rona’s basic attacks being nerfed like damn its not like she is tanky early game unless she lands her A on you. I personally never found them broken and I didn’t even play them that much when they were OP (except Rona, she was nice to play bot and top lane).

Alpha A B and C all deal aoe damage on clumped up targets…

Rona C might not be her core damage but if she can hit a group of people at once the lifesteal, damage and bp stack scaling are insane. Fleeing from a red buff rona is a no…

Being clumped up together isn’t like only Alpha and Rona can take advantage of it. BF can use his Ult and get 1000x BP stacks and CP Vox is just you know CP Vox.

Red buff is scary on anyone anyways, not just Rona.

I never understood why these heroes were nerfed to the ground (base stat nerfs are the most deadliest nerfs besides deleting portions of someone’s abilities). If someone can explain to me what is there that lacks counterplay about these heroes or previous to the latest nerf I wanna hear the explanation. So far all the heroes have been nerfed like this:

PLAYERS: Walks and puts enemy laner in pressure and almost undertower.
PLAYERS: dies Pls nerf too op.
ENEMY KRUL: sees next patch notes Guess I won’t be playing Krul anymore.

It is kind of stupid because these heroes aren’t even brain dead. I can argue that Vox requires less skill than Rona and Alpha. One melee laner gone and one jungler gone.

Note: I’m not talking about the beginning of their OPness because they were actually OP during then, but just the last nerfs that both received when they practically died right after.

Rona had several needless buffs when she was fine. Now they trashed her down lower than she was to begin with…

she became balanced this year (january is what i read) and overwatch has been out since 2016, it took 2 years for her to finally be balanced