The state of Malene (discussion/guide)

There is a difference between being balanced and being healthy for the game. For example, Saw is not healthy, that’s why, as idmonfish said, he hasñd to always be below 50% WR for him to be balanced, not doing so makes him oppressive. It can be tha same for Malene due to how stacked her kit is. She is bordenline op though. Also, having counters =/= balanced, which is something you seem to forget. I always put the same example: broken baron, was he broken? Yes, one shorting people was never balanced, but idris countered him hard, no? Does having a counter make him balanced? Not even near. I won’t make you agree with this, you are a main Malene and you are probably biased due to this.

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See I disagree she has no direct counters, all she has are hero’s who play well into her, and stop her snowballing the lane (cp vox, Celeste). I recall in my first match as malene kitting a krul who could literally do nothing as I slowed, rooted, and disappeared from him whilst dealing massive DMG.

She can kite everyone in the match and has a in built reflect block on a 15 second cool from 2 minutes into a match. She is banned in virtually every VPL match, and frankly I’m amazed OP has recorded 5 matches with her in tier 9 as she virtually perma banned in every game I’m involved in.

No other hero with the exception of lyra has such a ridiculous base kit, and as we all know lyra has suffered from the nerf hammer almost every patch. As a malene main you should get used to seeimg her nerfed, and avoid posting any threads complaining when she is because you’llnkt receive a positive response from the community.

Yeah I think they should approach Malene with a cooldown increase on her dark B skill and see where it goes from there. She’s just unkillable like you said.

Unless you have first pick ofcourse hahhaha

I went 12/2/5 without defense vs poa silver.
1v3 and coming out on top…

Both BF and Reza are counters, in fact, they are hard counters. Lyra wasn’t the hero with the most stacked kit, it was BF on release, he was literally invulnerable to everything.

Not sure how you hard counter someone who can’t be ganked and who can disappear and boot away from you…

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I have no issues against either of those as Malene…

The game is not only about ganking.

You, which doesn’t mean they don’t counter her.

When they dive you you root them and barrier speedboost out.

Or you use Dark B and then root them. Kiting them is a breeze…

BF has 3 blocks (2 ults + reflex block), 3 dashes, barriers, poke, execution, speed boost… if you stop him, he is just bad. For Reza he has enough mobility to dodge the root, once done that it’s very easy to kill Malene, again, his mobility allows him to chase her early and if she uses the invulnerability, you have your own ult.

I think it is fairly even between BF Malene and Reza. Malene comes online much sooner though and can snowball off of that. BF has his blocks from lvl 6 and they are extremely predictable and easily dodged with lightside B and Root once he stops his animation. If he uses on point he holds still and gets rooted. If he uses execute he dives straight onto the root. There is a cd between Rose offense charges while Malene has 3 skills at her disposal without intermittent cd…

Reza has to basic attack to deal real damage. Which makes his moves semi predictable and again I have at least as much mobility as he has and my dark B has a shorter cd than his Ult… A rooted Reza is a dead Reza.

In teamfights I fight from the back/mid of our team not the front. In 1v1 I can usually get away from almost anyone as long as I have energy.

When the situation is dangerous or there are ganks I will stay closer to my turret and clear waves so that anyone diving me will eat turret hits.

Malene>Lyra and that is saying a lot…

In EU Malene has the nr 2 winrate at 54% just under Lyra…

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For BF, sure, you can root him if he has his ult in cooldown… but he still has a reflex block that can just active. All your arguments are: bf and Reza don’t doge/block anything while Malene hits everything, blocks all and dodges all. In that scenario every hero wins. CW Reza has ~6s cooldown in his B and if he is good he will just bait and dive you without allowing you to hit him. There is a reason why Reza is banned: he can just separate the enemy and kill the carries easily. There is no way you are going to defeat 1v1 a good Reza or BF, of you manage to do that that’s called “outplay” and the enemy being bad, not that they don’t counter her.

Except any bf/Reza above t7 should be able to block her root. Besides the fact that malene is very squishy and they only need a few seconds to delete her.

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Malene’s Dark Form B is where all her OPness comes from. How come a mage hero with such a large amounts of anti-speed abilities has an escape that makes her invulnerable? You have Reza and Idris who are both melee champions that need something to make them invulnerable because after all they need to assassinate. It makes sense to have such an ability on them. The funny part is though, both those abilities can easily backfire on them. You ult as Reza onto the squishy, next thing you know the entire team CC’s you because you weren’t expecting it. As Idris you ult on to an enemy just for that one chakram bounce and the enemy takes you to their team while you’re attached. Boom you’re dead.

What does Malene Dark form B have that makes it so bad? It is one of the most reliable escapes in the game, and its on a range mage with a bunch of CC. Don’t forget about that other B too, it’s good but not OP. Malone is strong early to mid and falls off hard late game because her damage is kind of potato in late game, but that is all the more reason to not play her mid and play her top when an actually hypercarry can thrive. I feel like any hero that needs AS to do a substantial amount of damage cannot be credited as the title of hypercarry, or even mid lane. The B ability has no counterplay.

In conclusion, I want her B to have a change, not necessarily a nerf, but a much needed change (imo). The dark form B should have Malene be still. If this happens then there will be counter play against Malene. She is a CC mage so I do not see how this will affect her greatly. With the combo of a Light AA and Light A the enemy in a 1v1 cannot move and you can then reposition yourself with Light B. This can further make her identity as a 1v1 combo mage visible and get rid of that hypercarry mid playstyle, or what’s left of it.

TLDR: Make Malone Dark B make her still because it is OP and she would be fairly balanced otherwise.

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Just look at her win and ban rate. Her overall win rate isn’t the highest because people in SA region can’t play her… They have a 48% winrate with her…

Her Root can be minion Blocked/ Bodyblocked. I know that’s not really gonna help much (in the jungle at least) but if you’re laning against her just keep behind your creeps and you’re ok.

One thing that I think would counter her, and I want to see anyway, is another hero with a Silence. Just a single target silence maybe, but with a short cooldown.

Maybe I just haven’t seen enough, but I’ve yet to find a Malene that can win a game on her own

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So Malene is beatable, but even when you do a good Malene will still have done well. We won this game but their Malene stomped on me early game because I don’t come online range wise until lvl 6. Looking at her stats she performed admirably on even ground.

Mid Lyra becomes really strong lategame and is a perfect candidate for Slumbering Husk/Crucible to boost healing and add survivability.

You know malene is still vulnerable when she uses dark B. You can literally follower her trail and she doesn’t move fast either… so it either you can’t track malene when she sink into the shadow or you got best by malene. Even when she come up and swap, your team should focus to eliminate her.

Oh and Malene can be strong in late game if you have dragon eye… her empowerment are stronger each attack.

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