Again, I’m going to argue with you just for fun. One is going to be the same but for different reasons. Here is my list of heroes not getting banned that should be:
- Skaarf - The spitfire speed increase and the Goop range increase has made Skaarf the best early game Mid laner. Vox is seeing much less Mid play and opponents like Celeste, Kestrel, Varya and to a lesser extent, Samual and Idris are much less mobile. Skaarf out trades early due to his range and perk. Mid to late game, Skaarf can turn a team fight win into a two or more turret loss. If you don’t see Skaarf and left a lane empty, expect to lose a turret. Skaarf simply shuts down opponents Mid laner and creates a gold advantage. (I’m 10-0 in 5v5 rank with Skaarf in trash tier.)
Baptist - He can fill as a CP or WP hero in Top or Jungle. His sustain in Top is frustrating for a Bot laner. As a jungler, he can set up ganks with a ranged stun and slow without needing a WP buff. Late game, he brings a team-wide disengage that can prevent bad fights from being a team wipe. If you solo queue and want to both do damage and keep your teammates alive, Baptist is a great pick.
Kestrel - Don’t let her win rate fool you. She is arguably the only effective 4 position hero who can go WP or CP. Both BF and Skye would be naturals to fill this flex role but are struggling. Kestrel’s CP buff on her A and perk duration increase have made her much stronger. Global Ult, stealth, and long range make her a headache early as CP and late as WP. If you want to 1-trick a hero all day in solo queue, she’s the queen.
Idris - He can fill Mid or Bot as CP or WP. He offers 1v1 potential like few other heroes due to his mobility, barrier, and Ult. He has decent wave clear using his Chakram. Late game he turns into a monster who is a threat to end up with a Quad or Penta once stacked. He is the highest win rate laner right now.
Ozo - No, I’m not totally crazy. Ozo can effectively fill Top or Jungle. With 5v5, teams can draft two healers/barrier providers allowing Ozo to survive the late game. Ozo can be tanky early and build a SC, AS, MJ, Aegis, BM/DE/Eve, and HC. Start BoE and light armor if Top and sustain for days. SC, AS, CP infusion, and HC will give you 100% cooldown late game. With his already very low cooldowns and a team to back him, Ozo can go full crazy monkey on anyone in his way.
I really agree that Lyra and Churnwalker should be seeing bans.