The Most Underrated Banworthy Heroes For 5v5 (A.K.A. Tips To Boost Your Elo :D) Part 2: Ban Them. Ban Them Now

Again, I’m going to argue with you just for fun. One is going to be the same but for different reasons. Here is my list of heroes not getting banned that should be:

  1. Skaarf - The spitfire speed increase and the Goop range increase has made Skaarf the best early game Mid laner. Vox is seeing much less Mid play and opponents like Celeste, Kestrel, Varya and to a lesser extent, Samual and Idris are much less mobile. Skaarf out trades early due to his range and perk. Mid to late game, Skaarf can turn a team fight win into a two or more turret loss. If you don’t see Skaarf and left a lane empty, expect to lose a turret. Skaarf simply shuts down opponents Mid laner and creates a gold advantage. (I’m 10-0 in 5v5 rank with Skaarf in trash tier.)
  1. Baptist - He can fill as a CP or WP hero in Top or Jungle. His sustain in Top is frustrating for a Bot laner. As a jungler, he can set up ganks with a ranged stun and slow without needing a WP buff. Late game, he brings a team-wide disengage that can prevent bad fights from being a team wipe. If you solo queue and want to both do damage and keep your teammates alive, Baptist is a great pick.

  2. Kestrel - Don’t let her win rate fool you. She is arguably the only effective 4 position hero who can go WP or CP. Both BF and Skye would be naturals to fill this flex role but are struggling. Kestrel’s CP buff on her A and perk duration increase have made her much stronger. Global Ult, stealth, and long range make her a headache early as CP and late as WP. If you want to 1-trick a hero all day in solo queue, she’s the queen.

  3. Idris - He can fill Mid or Bot as CP or WP. He offers 1v1 potential like few other heroes due to his mobility, barrier, and Ult. He has decent wave clear using his Chakram. Late game he turns into a monster who is a threat to end up with a Quad or Penta once stacked. He is the highest win rate laner right now.

  4. Ozo - No, I’m not totally crazy. Ozo can effectively fill Top or Jungle. With 5v5, teams can draft two healers/barrier providers allowing Ozo to survive the late game. Ozo can be tanky early and build a SC, AS, MJ, Aegis, BM/DE/Eve, and HC. Start BoE and light armor if Top and sustain for days. SC, AS, CP infusion, and HC will give you 100% cooldown late game. With his already very low cooldowns and a team to back him, Ozo can go full crazy monkey on anyone in his way.

I really agree that Lyra and Churnwalker should be seeing bans.


skaarf and ozo haunt my dreams

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Maan…I’m telling y’all: haven’t faced a good Baron. Snowballing is not that difficult with him.

@Bayou Agreed with some of your points. Skaarf is powerful early, but he wanes late game.

Baptiste is strong but mainly only on CP builds. He gets outplayed without Clockwork easily late game.

Idris is good but very skill based. He has to be played in the right hands, more than other heroes.

Ozo is a beast in his own right, that, I can agree on.

@Xaldarian Agreed with Baron, but again, that’s not taking into account teamfights and constant triple mortars. In 1v1, once he’s high lvled, a good Baron will bomb you and where you’re going, as well as where you’ll retreat to to, even if he misses. A bad Baron will only bomb your direct location. Idk about pressuring him in lane because I alnost never get pressured: it’s usually me doing the pressuring, between clearing minion waves and just bombing areas to deny pushes. As for teamfights, Celeste I agree with, and Samuel can be a pain, but Baron with 2 or 3 T3 CP items, Baron is outright deadly. 2 Mortars and you’re at half health. That’s enough for any other friendly to close a kill. I get more assists than kills as Baron because he’s a chipper, not an outright killer.


Why don’t we all just ban the 1.5 minute mini shiversteel? :^)

Tbh, rather than CP Baron, I’d rather just ban Celeste straight away(I am forced to do this even though I main her and she gives me free elo ;-; ). Celeste is called the “Queen of the Mid Lane” for a reason. Though counterable, most of her counters are banned in soloq anyways so there is barely any reason to fear first picking a Celeste. It has been done in high-tier soloq, with success(I watch Youtube xD) . High Burst Damage with a huge range and hit radius(SUPERNOVA), Celeste is just too scary to be ignored.

I completely agree that Kestrel is ban worthy in all terms. Scary both as WP and CP, especially in CP in where teammates are dumb enough not to renew vision and next thing you know it, you are blown up by arrows with a non-existent cooldown.

Lyra should get more bans, but not churnwalker. He is too difficult to pull off in soloq most of the time, and a missed chain really has big consequences. He isn’t also as tanky as he used to be with no defence. Buffing defence would make Churnwalker viable again.

Cathy is just super annoying, definitely ban-worthy along with ardan, grace, and lyra as captains.

Mid Lane is definitely Celeste, Skaarf, Kestrel, and the occasional niche, CP Baron which can be a nightmare with the right team (I won’t disagree that he is banworthy, just that Celeste in my opinion is more banworthy)

Bot - There are not many heroes that are ban worthy here, but Kestrel is definitely ban-worthy simply because how unpredictable what position she’ll go too. Gwen and Vox are possible bans, but not as favoured as other heroes as bans.

Top- Taka, Kestrel and Samuel are note-worthy heroes to ban here, though Taka is the most ban-worthy. Going for gabizzle’s build is just hell. Unkillable with defence, high damage with little offense items.

Jungle-Most bans come from here and the Captain/Mid Role.
The Most Underrated Ban EVER
The Tankiest, Highest Potential Damage out put hero ever in 5v5.
TensionShock + Stormcrown is just absolutely horrible to face against, and he has the power to shut down so many heroes that it is not even funny.
I don’t need to explain futher.


Why is mid lane Samuel being ignored? Baron and celeste got nothing on Samuel. I should zip my mouth before he becomes banned…

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Junky is a very old player - was a streamer for a fair while and VG in season zero - I’d expect him to slaughter in most games on most heroes.

Good post! But tbh I think Baron is outclassed by many other mages - Celeste has much larger range, she’s more mobile overall because cp Baron doesn’t really have jump that often, she has a stun, and her ult is imo better than Baron’s because it’s very hard to dodge if it’s on point.

Like Blissey, I love Celeste! She’s always been my bae but this patch she’s truly a monster, especially since BF is weak and Taka is permanently banned.

I also love cp kestrel. WP may output more consistent damage but sniping enemies is like the most fun I’ve had in Vainglory lol.


Because of people want him to NOT be banned. He is also underrated but he is definitely ban-worthy. He just doesn’t seem like one of those heroes you should ban. People would rather ban Kestrel and Celeste than see samuel fall off the board. Another thing to take note is that compared to other mages, Samuel has much less consistent damage output due to Drifting dark down time before getting his clockwork so he isn’t really a threat till mid-late game, in where his poke and AOE damage hurts like hell.

TL:DR : Basically underrated

He’s not a threat, kill wise… but putting pressure in lane, he does well. Turrets fall naturally when there’s more minions alive.

I would ban SAW just because he’s annoying and always picked. I really think banning a hero based on their threat level is not a good system… it should be banned based on how easy a hero can be abused and how likely it is going to be abused.

I see Taka always banned, Tony, Alpha and Krul… those are the top 4 bans I always see… i disagree with Taka and Tony, they’re easy to deal with, alpha I can understand, krul maybe…

But my top 4 bans would be alpha, fortress, Saw and Lance, Not because they are particularly worthy… but because i know that the people who play them, play them so religiously that if they can’t pick their mains… they will just suck.

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lol I was debating adding Grumpjaw to the list, but I was trying to focus specifically on 5v5 heroes. Grumpjaw is the next underrated hero, in general. His A is so OP on full stacks it’s not even fully.

@Alhunt Celeste only outranges Baron at lower levels. Once he gets a SG or DE he can outrange her, not to mention his other CP items that get him to the full 200 cap. Only heroes like Skaarf, Varya, and Max A empowered Samuel actually outrange Baron. His Mortar AOE gives him extra range beyond the target circle. One of the most important things is to learn to use that to your advantage. Celeste’s ult is more on point than Barons, but only on heroes or structures. The advantage you get from Baron is that even though his ult can be dodged by heroes easier, he can bomb anything on the map, which comes in handy for clearing large minion waves at a distance, and it’s focused on an area, which sets up situations where enemies can walk into it. Celeste’s stun does give her more utility as well, but I find Baron’s slow to be much more reliable. Idk about mobility though. I definitely think Baron’s jump makes him much more mobile. It’s all an opinion on tactics though.