The dumb people in draft!

you’re still making assumptions that he IS exposed to it. Get it>? you can’t tell. unless you know him personally. he’s just a bunch of letters and numbers on a screen.

Diving is a possible side effect of lag. Frustrations due to lag. So again, even diving you’re making assumptions. Clearly, you’re one of those player’s who don’t know when you’re even making an assumption. Which is why fixing the lag is even more important.

For every problem, there’s always the obvious answer, which is what everyone thinks. troll, dumb, etc. and there’s the no - so - obvious answer. all i’m saying is LAG is at such an epidemic level that it would have to be considered.

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I understand why baron didn’t want to swap, baron against Celeste is a dead baron

Why are you on the assault on me for making an opinion? Just speaking my mind in a proper environment here. If my opinions harm you that much you can just tell me to stop, y’know?

Opinions with logical fallocies which degrades any validity of what you are saying

Point me where my fallacies are? I simply said there’s a chance some players are just bad regardless of the lag, is it wrong to think so…?

Not all lag is consistent and on a phone vg doesn’t show ping until above 2k

Vg does weird things with afk and lag sometimes it will both you until you come back/level out. Have you ever seen the shit a bot does it happened to me I looked back at the replay and was wtf.

But to sum it up your full post is full of them. Logical fallacy 101 “if you are doing this you can only be this”

I was against celestial and I was joule

I play VG on phone and it shows ping when it’s above 250ms though. And a player who continuously dives in 1v5, and refusing surrenders is a bot? I’m pretty sure a bot player (AFK) auto-accepts surrender.

Your logical fallacy here is assuming everything is cause of lag, not because some players actually have little to no game sense. To make it clear, I never said A is A and B is B, I said there’s two possibilities of a player playing poorly - whether they’re actually bad or lagging is unclear but there are several ways to test that.

And to blame everything on lag is indeed the classic MOBA player excuse. Some players are too embarrassed to admit they got caught out or made a big misplay so they attribute it to lag. Have you seen someone “lag” their way across the map to splitpush and then die, before replying with a smiley to your “Be careful!” ping?

I’ve played enough games of MOBA to be able to tell which players have game sense or not, I feel. Or did you assume I was new here?

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Yes, I know. Against Celeste, joule plays far better than baron until late game, so again, I understand why he didn’t want to swap.

For reference - A few days ago I went into casual. Someone instalocked Taka and just sat under mid turret, planted cams on the turret and stole farm from me intentionally (Sat there before using A on the blue buff to take it, for example). Their hero avatar was not greyed out and they kept rejecting surrenders. I’m pretty sure bots wouldn’t sit on the same spot for 8+ minutes, they would be randomly roaming around the map and getting caught out instead of planting troll cams and stealing farm.

And they most certainly wasn’t lagging.


that is if the celeste is not harassing you with her super long range before her nerfs this patch( note:- she is still very strong).
Also baron is good against celeste because of his aoe type damage from his A

Celeste heavily outranges you, Joule is a better option to deal with her cause you can just jump, block her stun and burst her down in seconds hehe

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Yes, an ability that deals 0 damage early on.

that would have been the case if I was WP, but as I stated it earlier that baron told me to go CP to maintain team WP and CP balance I was having only 1 ability that caused damage and that was B

We aren’t assuming we are saying we don’t know until consistent server lag is gone.

I refuse to surrender no matter what i won’t even think about it why because no one learns anything from a surrender and even bad matches i enjoy maybe its a thing with the origin ARTS gamers and newave moba players

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Are you sure it’s not your ISP, then? I have not lagged heavily other than my ISP bugging out these past few months.

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