The basics of laning

Just like the title says. Here are the basics of learning. Though this may not be in depth it may help you narrow your search for advice and have a better understanding of laning.

  1. Last hitting
    Last hitting is very important in becoming a good laner, so learn it well because last hitting a minion rewards you the nost amount of gold possible. Whenerever an enemy minion’s health bar turns bright head, tap or click on it. The glowing health bar means you can kill it with one basic attack, guaranteed. You can also mix in other basic attacks to put pressure on the enemy and his/her minions.

  2. Pushing turret
    What I mean by pushing turret is having your minions attack the turret. We achieve this through a numbers advantage with the minions.

  3. Positioning
    All I have to say about this is to stay behind your minions unless your turret is being pushed. Then, stay behind your turret.

  4. Ganks.
    Gank or be Ganked. A gank occurs when an ally or enemy decide to come visit your lane and say hi, as well as kill their target. You can avoid you being ganked by keeping the minions in the middle of outermost surving turrets, as well as using scout cams.
    Don’t be that guy that constantly gets ganked because he pushes turret way to much.

  5. Slow pushes.
    A slow push is a snowball affect. It starts off very innocent. When the minions of one side have a slight number advantage. If this advantage goes unchecked, the slow push grows like wildfire, taking down a whole turret at once. Manage your lane even in the middle and late game.

I havent covered everything since these are the basics concepts of laning. I hope that you focus on improving in these concepts as a laner and improve from it.

Spread the knowledge.


I liked that touch, it made me chuckle. Thanks for contributing this to the forums!


Glad you liked the joke, and I hope this was informative.