The balancing of Koshka

Krul, koshka and taka are the top junglers now and have a common thing- movt speed buffs. As a krul I can walk into the enemy jungle on Wp buff side clear it and walk away without a problem. A good koshka will be in the enemy jungle by the spawn times and this allows these heroes to snowball from the first minute . Passive movt speed on the whole needs to be tuned a bit

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True that!

Hit the hammer on the head.

Always found baptiste to hard counter Koshka, his B prevents her mobility and his built in sustain helps him trade with her.

Koshka, Krul and Taka are all OP at the moment. What makes them so strong is their mobility. And ability to traverse the map quickly.

Reim for instance is going to be potato in the jungle, he is just to slow, to predictable.

Captain needs buff…

Care to explain… Stating something does not help add to the ongoing discussion…

Although defence has been merged I actually believe Captain and jungle are now going to be the key team memebrs. Laners are going to have less influence on the end game.

Well I feel like captain’s ability is just underwhelming and not impactful. 2 more damage sources and semc decide to nerf defense item lol
I played vg till I got bored and moved to other mobas and I can see that tanks are much more impactful there. Like when tank initiate to the carry, they can apply a lot of pressure to make them zoned away. But in Vg when you see a carry alone or out of position, if you attack and your ally is not there, they can just fight back cause they know you will get out trade
Right now captains are just babysitters, they cant decide the outcome of the match

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It depends on what you call a laner. I am thinking of maining CP Grace in lane.

I want a hero like Arthur from AOV. That is a tank

Sorry I should correct that statement.

What I mean to say is junglers will be the early game stars, if they get ahead I expect the laners to have an easier ride.

Late game I expect your super fed mid laner to be dishing out the dirt, for this I’m thinking any hero with a CP AEO abilities. So Vox or Celeste could be meta. Think WP lacks the same impact as they don’t have AEO abilites during team fights. Might be wrong though, time shall tell.

Actually think they’ll have more impact in 5v5. They’re rotations and map awareness are I’ll enable you to push objectives. But you’re right, their DMG output won’t enable them to 1 v 1 anyone.

What I can see is captains like lance being semi-carries; they’re CC abilites are a massive pain and they could be used to support mid lane hyper carries.

Not just about dmg, its the utility of captains doesnt make up for the lack of dmg.
Like when a Cath or Flicker early tries to catch a Saw pushing or Vox or Kestrel, Saw simply just keep on attacking you, Vox can just A away and put few aa and you will lose more hp than him, Kestrel will smash 4 shots in your face and you will lose half of your HP.
Im not saying that Captains should win any 1v1, but they at least should put some pressure like longer stun or a speed boost to captains to back away so that they can zone the carry from farming, pushing, checking bushes… But then if they do, they will all end up with lower HP, more risky to move around checking vision.
Viable captains for me are Fortress, Lance, Lyra. Lorelai is fun tho.
Omg I should make a thread bout this, sorry for changing topic

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Ardan Lance and Grace are the only 3 who are mobile yet can take a hit.

Phinn can take a hit bit isn’t mobile enough.
Churnwalker can tank the most damage of all people mid teamfight.

As a flicker you shouldn’t be taking on saw 1 v 1 you should be ganking with support from your lane or jungle. Flicker is going to be a meta captain because her perk enables her to move around the map quicker than any other captain. Her true sight is incredible strong.

Really confused by your comments. All captains offer utility, this should be used to zone or apply pressure on lane with support from a laner / jungler. Certainly shouldn’t be buffing their DMG because you’ll end up with 5 captains all building hybrid builds.

Perhaps you misunderstand the role of captain in VG. I’ve not played LoL so their roles might be different than here.

our cat is the real threat. taka is not that much compared to her…

also, i think flicker with his perk is on the op border… it just people rarely pick him…

Taka is a god in 5v5, his mobility is insane, and with three laners to gank he becomes incredible annoying.

Agree re flicker, believe he’ll be a meta roamed gping forward. True sight and the speed buff makes him so annoying.

Alpha is at the top too imo. She is way too stronk rn. Both WP and CP. She abuses Aftershock as well as Tako and Koshka with added tankiness. It’s ridiculous

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I played VG long time ago, get to PoA silver solo q and quit when Lyra’s release. Now I come back and see Cath stun duration get a nerf from 1.2 to 0.7, her silence was 3sec long and now its 2.2, Lyra’s heal from 8sec cooldown to 15 (thats double) and the removal of snair effect, Ardan’s barrier from 11sec cooldown to 17… Like are they too OP cause they are doing their jobs lol. Agree that Lyra was doing her job better than others but cant they just buff others to the old Lyra’s level instead of nerfing? I think that all captains should be at the old Lyra’s level so they can have better impact.

if they do that, everyone would play the captains as carries. semc would have to buff the carries to hold their own against them and we would end up in the same situation again.

most carries got some nerfs as well and the cath nerfs were due to her being too op in 5v5 otherwise. silencing 3 or 4 enemies in a late game teamfight is an easy win and a 1.2s stun that doesnt require any skill to use is insane as well.
ardans chance happened long ago and he got some buffs for the 5v5 (mostly range buffs).

captains just cant have both, high damage and scaling AND insanely good cc. it doesnt make the game better.

5v5 allows or even requires most captains to build some form of damage, so they do have a better feel atm. you can go into a lane and stop someone from pushing it, you can take farm, you can deny the vision of the enemy so easily and with a large impact (if you take out the scout cams of a lonely laner, they are completly blind for 2 min, making ganks easier), you could even decide to go for more damage and bully quite a few carries in the early game.

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