The 3.8 item changes that i hate

So gameplay wise those who buy CDR will see no difference and the other ones will be nerfed? No thanks.

  1. I’m not very bothered by the weapon blade cost efficiency. I think it’s probably meant to nerf some of the advantage WP tends to have in level 1-2 fights. At that level CP heroes tend to be a bit weak since they only get one attack every 8 seconds or so.

  2. The cool down cap is ill-conceived. The problem is that it effects so many items, and basically every captain build is likely to exceed the cap, many of them without even getting sufficient energy regen. A better approach would be to tune down the cool down on specific problem abilities. Maybe a better voice would be to generally increase cooldown reductions, but make them multiplicative rather than additive (so instead of two 30% reductions adding to 60%; the first would cut cooldown to 70%, and the second would cut the cooldown to 49%; this would put diminishing returns on over stacking cooldown, with each additional item contributing less, but still allow heavy stacking as a choice).

  3. Stormcrown wasn’t meant as a CP jungler item, it was meant for captains (at that time there basically weren’t any high damage captains). The new one… I don’t know if it’s better for captains or not. Many of the problem items in this patch are items which captains need, but carries abuse.

  4. The AS and BP changes were just horrible. The point was that both of those were things that provided a whole lot of damage by themselves, so certain heroes could become monsters with just an AS, or others could build mostly defense and eventually stack up incredible damage. The problem is that a lot of heroes needed those. The smarter choice would have just been to nerf the characters who ovetperformed with them.

  5. The infusion changes don’t especially bother me except that the cool down cap makes the CP infusion pointless.

  6. Tension Bow would be fine if it didn’t have piercing on it. It needs other WP to be worthwhile, but it’s problem is that it’s drsigned for maximum burst, but also counters armor. “High damage” should not counter defenses against high damage. Let Bonesaw be the pierce item, since that is pretty balanced and would be a good item if TB didnt obsolete it.

Roll back this entire patch and nerf Pulseweave and Husk. Do not adjust xp and gold rates; do not change item costs.

Those two items were primarily responsible for initiating 5v5’s tank meta.

What SEMC has successfully done is replace one breed of cancer with another. By and large, the game still feels like 3.7’s version of Vainglory: whack.

Now it’s going to take them two to three patches to completely unfuck the game (which I argue has been royally fucked up since talk of 5v5 first began).


The Tension Bow buff is probably the dumbest thing SEMC did. It’s even more centralizing than SM BP it’s dumb. I love Grace, but even before when she was busted she was less annoying than she is now. If you hated WP Grace meta you’re going to despise this patch…even low tiers can beat higher tier players if they just Grace. She’s just…too good…also the game’s the most snowbally as it’s ever been it’s ridiculous

Yes, I would do that, but it can’t be done.