The 3.1 balance changes are out

Lane WP Lance is going to be a thing. He can Top to blow up a squishy or Bot to counter a melee laner.


Nerfs given to Gwen seems not enought for me, i think she might still be OP? idk, they also nerfed tyrants, and TB, so maybe now is a little bit controled, but again, i think it’s not enought.

IMO he was already a thing… this just makes him a menace… he’s tanky AF and does massive damage?

He’ll be top pick now.


Meh, everything is gonna be practically the same. Rona, Kestrel and Krul are gonna be the only ones to feel their changes. I didn’t see why Rona needed nerf, Krul Nerf was appropriate and well put, it was so easy for him to get in close and confirm kills, and Kestrel is just gonna be better.


Churnwalker buff. I’ll take it. All the more insanely powerful his rare Talent grows.

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Funny how you said Cath’s bubble goes down so fast and then they nerf the cooldown

Lol, I don’t see Tony being too op as it will be hard for him to have a niche in the meta. Also, don’t scream about nerfing a hero until you actually play him.
Vox deserved nerf but Sam didn’t

Why nerf Sam? :frowning: Maybe he was a bit strong in 5v5, but not in 3v3

I think skaarf is fine with his A and B but his ult needs some slight tunning.

Agree mostly. The shift from high shield to high Health for heroes and items has reduced the value the pierce on his Ult. It needs either a scaling or base damage buff. Also the hard nerf on his Goop slow from 60/45 to 30/15 was a bit much. I think splitting the difference with 45/30 would give him an escape.

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Kinda hard?


Lyra may be a problem in the first few levels. That 100 base health buff, A buff, and the scaling on her perk should let her out trade most laners for the first few levels. The B bug fixes are also going to help her shut down ganks. She will be the biggest winner from these changes.

If she builds something like AC SG BM SC Cruc WT, she could split push turrets and still have a ton of team utility.


Lmao I see that everyday when I play WP Grace, so much snowball potential

But now shes dead

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But her B needs like extremely perfect timing. Other than that its simply a soft slow. Tbh they need to bring back snare effect, at least after she uses her portals, her next B will have snare

What are Tony’s abilities? I cant see them…

He’s hasn’t been (officially) revealed yet.

Thought obvious sarcasm was obvious

It is because cooldown cath abuses it. Not captain cath but cooldown CP cath…

This, I like what they did, CP grace(captain) is actually buffed. Only WP was nerfed and actually not to unusable state… I think it will still be viable to playeble degree.

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How exactly can a hero who is sub-par all around (according to you) abuse anything at all?

CD Cath has a lot less damage reduction going for her, compared to a Support build, so even with her B active, you can still focus her down.
All this did was make her less viable in lane, because she has more downtime between favourable damage trades. As she already was a terrible laner before (again, according to you), this change makes 0 sense.