Suggestion : ringo rework

You can only have 1 Lord of Rework just like Tachanka in R6S. :slight_smile:

I’ve got you in my sights but in a good way :slight_smile:

Uh gender confusion here?

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So does that mean added reload time every 5th attack?

Nah no need.

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I agree with this. The flame mark is really irritating in team fights.

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Yes but it gives a choice disperse or damage

That and it gives more responsibility to the roam for having cruc in that scenario.

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I was afraid your changes were gonna be absurd, but these are actually alright.

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30303030303030303030303030 characters

If u don’t know, the blurred context does help with the 30 chars.

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Nah i know i just like doing the 3030303 :haha:

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Because after a kill, the next basic attack is gonna be a crit shot and now you have full crit. Then every basic attack you dish out will maim your enemy. Nah nah nah nah nah.

yes. full crits build will lock opponent hero with slightly lowered attack speed

i fail to see why this is useless…

You build full crit so every baaic attack is now a crit shot and Ringo’s perk makes every basic attack after a kill a crit shot which is useless because every basic attack now is crit.

with his current perk yes

but i suggest additional attspeed reduction applied, so it’s not useless

I think take my double-shot effect with your maim effect and it’ll be ok