Still Pissed That Da11vd Reza Was Promised For All Platforms



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It’s purely the fact that they’re taking game content and saying “Half of you guys can’t have this ever, sorry, deal w/it.” Like I said, LE skins have always been controversial, with players who join after the event time not able to obtain the skin (like I’m infinitely jealous of the people with LE Christmas Fort skin but that’s just how it be).

LEs are like Kickstarter-exclusive items. The people who were there supporting the game/whatever at the beginning get the special stuff and everyone else who joined after can only wish they had found out about it in time. That’s enough for some serious salt by itself, but imagine if you were part of the KS on time, pouring hundreds of dollars into this game, and they turned around and said “Sorry, we know you support us through thick and thin and all, but this reward is only for those of you who happen to own a certain kind of device. Oh, and it’s only available for like two weeks, so you’ll never have the chance to claim it even if you do buy the device in the future.”

That’s kind of a middle finger to your supporters, isn’t it?

I’m not a big spender when it comes to games so it’s not like I felt personally attacked like this or anything, but I really dislike anything that I couldn’t grind for or earn, in any game. It’s the same reason why I liked the old card BP system(s) way better, but that’s a whole other salt post.

I’m sure there is a correlation between spending big and having an iPhone in your vicinity for people lol.

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I understand about the LE situation but Im just talking overall about said exclusive skin. I didnt take LE skins into account when writing my reply

I’ll direct you to the second half of the paragraph you quoted from.

@SideRaiderr probably, but a lot of people simply don’t like apple, so even if it’s financially possible for them to have access to one, they wouldn’t 'cause they don’t like the device type. Personal preference shouldn’t bar you from being able to unlock content though especially since more devices than ever can reliably play vg

I didn’t even claim the skin even though I have a pad haha.
Didn’t they release the skin in celebration of their anniversary with Apple? Kinda make sense to keep it on iOS exclusive besides Reza’s Netherknight pretty much outdo both of his other skin.

Oh I meant financially possible as in you spend a lot of money therefore you must have some sort of commitment to it. With commitment comes friends, hopefully, meaning you can get the skin unless all your friends aren’t using Apple. Also applies irl as you might also have financially well off friends who may own something Apple.

No one should buy an entire device for one skin… if that’s what you meant.

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That’s what I thought YOU meant, lmfao. I was like “what kind of person (the hypothetical person spending $ here) is so out of touch that they really think buying a whole iphone to claim one skin when they have no intention of using it is normal behavior”

I get what you mean, and yeah it’s probably likely that a lot of people knew someone who could claim it for them. But it’s not a given even if you know a lot of people and semc probably shouldn’t rely on hoping a bunch of gamers have expensive friends if that’s what they were going for

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