Spectral Idris

I want a bubblegum version :heart:

Amen to that.

I really hope she has 3 ver

Why? Chroma skins right now are a lazy way to make money.

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i feel like 3 versions makes the skin feel tacky and i am really bad at deciding which sklin to use and can be tilted for the whole match by picking the wrong one.

i would prefer it if they abolished recolours :3


Would you like me to show you the door?

Skaarf is the worst lmao. 5 sparkler skins, 3 rainbow cat skins… He’s also one of the few heroes I don’t have a single skin for, so it’s this massive gap in the skin section.

Y’know what would be really cool? If you go weapon, the staff goes red, if you go crystal, the Chakram goes blue, if you go hybrid, they go purple.


I know what you mean bud. I have to have the right skin for the situation. For example with Skye, I have both legendary skins. Supersonic Skye is for regular modes, Ride or Die for Brawl. And if I accidentally pick the wrong one, I play like crap.