Speaking strictly on appearances, Yates looks a lot like Ardad

Reim wp power? Ive seen troll builds in videos but ive never encountered one before >.>

i know dude. if you read, you would know as well.


Oh woopsie daisy ma bad lmao

I don’t understand the way they code. Can’t they just use the same exact script that they used for Reza. They basically have the same Ult it’s just that one is global… unless Reza is bugged as well which would be very interesting…

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Come to think of it. Has anyone successfully stunned Reza before he ults? it’s instant isn’t it?

That’s hard , like sometimes I stun fortress out of his ult by mistake as Catherine , I think the same for Reza I would stun him out of his ult without any intentions and probably nothing to tell if I did or not stun him out of his ult .

No, it’s not instant, you can stop his ult, same as Idris.

So meaning Reza can cast his ULT, get stunned, cancelling the animation and have it go on cool down?

well, that would mean Yates ULT should be easy to fix.

Yeah it should be easy because they should be using the lines they used before unless they did something new with the delay which makes no sense lmao. I feel like the bug was done on purpose to increase sales, because the dude’s at SEMC can easily implement gold trickle for Ozo’s bounces but somehow mess up a hero’s Ult so they become unkillable?

Yes, it’s means that, which is a shame as they have long cooldown meanwhile Malene’s can’t, it’s instant, with less cooldown and with a slow… a B ability that it’s far better than two ults and with less cooldown.