Soloq jungling in 5v5 sucks

Firstly there are 2 CP buffs and Krul is very good at securing. Secondly I didn’t say Krul better have all them CP buffs. I said it is not useless on him and actually has much more impact than WP buff mid game. Thirdly have you even checked his base damage? At Max stacks when you overdrive which should be around mid game he deals more than 1k damage… as WP jungler. The CP buff gives damages amp not CP so it boosts that by 20%. If you get 8 stacks it’s basically a free kill. Now I’m not telling you go steal your mids buffs every game but if you have a late game mid laner or laner that is behind you would be much more impactful than them with it mid game

2 cp buffs only if you include the enemy side but than there is 2 wp buffs too

Yes that’s what I said. He’s very strong mid game and had one of the best secures in the game. The buff being in enemy jungle doesn’t mean you can’t invade lol

That is also why I say first we should be for you bottom laner

No first few rotations the junglers need the WP buff. Not always the case but usually. Otherwise their impact is greatly reduced. Bot laners don’t even have enough damage to do anything early game. And bot seems like the most ganked lane so the buff is actually there often but not held by the laner.

Only ganked because too many refuse to use cams and look at the map

Regardless of vision usually your top lane will be the most ganked one and nobody cares. While your bot will be the one your jungler ganks the most.

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I think you might be mistaken the CP buff amplifies CP DMG not base DMG from any source… What your suggesting is that the WP buff would work on Celeste, it wouldn’t unless she’s going WP.

A Krul taking a CP (from his side, whose talking about the other buff, stealing it if you can) is a waste, not only does he already have in built sustain but you’re also robbing this passive ability from your CP midlane which is important, you can’t afford for them to fall behind.

Is it useless on him, probably not, is it a waste when he takes it from your CP carries? Most definitely…


I think you might be mistaken not me.

Screenshot (118)

A Krul taking CP buff at level 8 boosts 1000 base damage by 20%. Tell me if you land that who would survive? It is a major powerspike. Him taking it from his side granted he takes advantage of it isn’t a waste. And even then I said multiple times he is god at securing so he can get enemy buff not his. Now if you still don’t believe me even though I gave you proof go in a practice, smite something at a certain level, check damage, then get buff and smite the same thing again and see the difference. It increases CP Damage, doesn’t increase bonus CP.

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Wrong crystal damage is increased meaning abilities for krul as his heroic perk doesn’t grant him basic attack crystal damage like some heros

Seriously what? lol SMITE’S base damage not 1000 base damage on Autos wtf. If a hero has 1000 base damage on Auto attacks I don’t think anybody would ever let them go through bans.

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  1. Ozo sucks in 5v5
  2. If you know your teammates are shit, then steal farm.
    Before every match begins i check my teammates skill tiers.
    If they are low tiers, I clear my lane and take the entire jungle. So i am always 1/2 levels above everyone else. If I see my teammates are good, I rotate to the jungle only to take the ambient gold and exp.

A celeste will still benefit more with cp buff than that smite lmao.

Ozo sucks in 5v5???

Dude get real. He goes bananas in 5v5. Especially WP Ozo is very strong.

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i dont even know if youre serious or being sarcastic lmao

“Crystal DMG is increased by 20%”

Unless you’re playing CP Krul exactly how would this benefit a WP Krul?

Honestly do you think a full built mid lane hyper carry isn’t benefiting more late game? Do you also think a midlane isn’t benefiting more early game from the DMG and health benefits? Not sure if your trolling me, virtually every midlane carry has a co ratio on basic attacks, will be building CP and have ratios on abilites. Stop talking about a 8 stack Krul, like it’s important, it isn’t… any midlane will put out more DMG than him.

And stop talking about the opposition buff, of course take it if he can (if nothing else it denies the opposition) but your suggesting that a krul taking the CP buff isn’t a massive slap in the face to your hyper carry; it is, they’re now 20% less DMG than their opposite number, that’s huge!

Nice so you aren’t even reading what I’m saying. When exactly did I say lategame Krul outperforms mages? Quote me on that please. When exactly did I say take buffs at lvl 1? Again quote me please. Did I say Krul outperforms every mid laner? What I said is Krul benefits more from CP than WP buff mid game. And yes might outperform some laners at that stage of the game. Laners doing 20% on basic attacks is stronger than a fully stacked smite at level 8? Alright. Do you even know why Krul was and still is to some extent meta?

Please go back and read what I said again.

I dont have to. I think i know very well kruls B has cp ratio and a crystal buff would increase the damage on the full stacked enemy. But looking at a wp krul, he wont use his B until opp is at like 1/4th health. And i m only commenting about kruls taking cp buff away from a cp mage.

I meant you’re taking my words out of context. That’s why read what I said. Also it doesn’t even matter if he has cp ratios. CP buff doesn’t give CP it amplifies damage like old BM. So seriously if you gonna talk at least be aware of what the talk’s about.