Smash’s Corner: The Body & the Game eSports Teaser

Hi all!

In honor of the new digs here and the champs who put this into place, I wanted to offer a fringe perspective that was surprisingly solidified during numerous conversations with sponsors, officials, and coaches I spoke with during the recent Olympic games in Peyongchang about this game.

I’m also being a bit audacious here, and am considering starting a theme to post under around here called: Smash’s Corner.

So any posts from me with that prefix, will be exclusively focused on eSport/competitive player techniques strictly for the physical aspects of playing and improving in the game.

Don’t worry tho, because this wouldn’t be a UI critique. Instead, it’s about how you can/could physically play the game. So things like where you hold your hands, how you tap, tapping tactics, how you position your device, optimal angles, optimal muscle groups, muscular fatigue, physical conditioning, mental conditioning, room lighting, concentration techniques, tilt reduction techniques etc. are all possible and tasty topics.

But before I go ahead and fully write the first article, “The Body & the Game” for you all, I figured it’d be more polite to ask if you’d have any interest in reading stuff like this in this teaser post!

So let meh kno! If you all would like this sort of content, I can have the first article done by the end of the week.

Ps - many thanks to all of the supporters of this site and setup.


Sounds like a good plan! I’m always open for useful tips that can improve my playing skills. Big fans of studied theories and stuff too.

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It’s really good. Also can you make separate sections for phone and tablets. Anyways great topic

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Ok cool and will do :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what you mean :frowning: can you teach me how to do that?

Lol wait never mind lol :smiley: I just figured it out lmao

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'sounds like that could make for a very interesting read. But I would like to second the request for separate smartphone and tablet sections, if you are going to go into details like muscle memory, fatigue and such.


@Wali Totally agreed and I will def do that. It’s a very different scenario (phone vs tablet) as far as physiology, kinesiology and muscle flexibility, so they both need attention. Maybe someday we can actually compare response times between the two options, too. I’d absolutely LOVE to study the possible differences (we’re talking tenths and thousandths of a second here :wink: between the devices as far as our body performance metrics are concerned.


Speaking as a coach - please please please!


Very interested. Especially hand placement, tap techniques. Maybe even an alternative altogether… Touch pen? My hands cover too much viewing.

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For sure @idmonfish! I’m really excited to do this, especially for you!

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Awesome and thank you. (And no worries - I’ve got a bunch of content about that exact issue, and it should be discussed by all because everyone’s physical situation is fairly unique!)


Would be very interested in learning more! Looking forward to it.

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Thanks @Odsfish! Was just writing some more a lil bit ago, and I hope it’s useful to the community! :crossed_fingers:t3: