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As a mid main in typical 5v5 mobas I have to say the dangers of mid lane are a bit underwhelming until you actually get to the inhibitors.

Ended up with Celeste in Top and dueled another Celeste. The new range on her heliogenesis is fantastic! Anyway, I got caught up in holding the line and the duel and then our team surrender 4-1 vote. I know I have a ton to learn, especially map awareness. But didn’t want top to drop. Lol

Sounds like a my next hero to get comfortable with!

Forgot to mention, his ult is a game changer.

It’s great that he can disappear, but be ready for starry eyes and thumbs because when your entire team goes ghost and moves faster, they’re going to love you.

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Well I just played 2 legit non bot matches.
One rigo bot lane and one cel mid lane.
Rigo match we lost because we weren’t aggressive enough, and tho we were getting kills early on, their taka proved to be a bit too much and just shredded us so rip.

Celeste match was really interesting, our Skye took practically all my farm, not that I was csing well anyways.
The range buff helps a lot in backlining and spamming helios and snovas on the entire enemy team.

Snowballed them and won ggez :thinking:

Map is really beautiful, especially those crystals on the blackclaw and ghostwing spawn area thingy, tho it could use some polishing up.
And for some reason there was no waterfall…? Is that a bug?

Hero: CP OZO
Position: Jungle

First I took the crystal treant then the healing treant and went for an immediate gank on top lane after hitting lvl 2. I destroyed the enemy top laner (glaive) without a scratch, began my snowball, then invaded the enemy jungle and terrorized mid and bot lane until late game where mainly I began split pushing and destroying enemy heroes that were out of position. Ozo is really amazing in 5v5, definitely moreso than 3v3. His mobility and stickiness just work so well in a larger map, however his energy consumption is really high so proper jungle rotations are key with him in order to maintain his energy and health, which thank God his perk works so well for. So far after about 10 5v5 matches, I’m pretty happy with most heroes’ balance so far.

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So I dont have a ticket but a kind friend let me play his account to try 5v5. Thanks <3 @friend

Position: Top
Hero: Adagio (ofc)

So my teammates were:
“Top” flicker
Jungle Joule
Mid skaarf
Bot varya

My enemies were:
Top koshka
Top celeste
Mid adagio
Mid Blackfeather
Bot ringo

Well the experience was fun. 5v5 is the only thing that will pull me back to playing VG. Ghostwing and the other dragon “I forgot it’s name D:” is a really good additional. Well, thats all and everyone should get ready for the global release of 5v5.

Mid Lane CP Kestrel (SG BM HC SG Aegis)

Absolute nightmare. Bot lane and Captain abandoned the match at the very start of the game. Surrender needs 4 votes, so that never happened. Was 4/1/0 at one point against the enemy WP Ringo but ended up getting annihilated by Top-JG-Roam ganks straight down my lane, enemy took both objectives… both my allies still wouldn’t surrender. Lost in 16 minutes.

I was playing with a friend I was playing Fort roam and we were up against 3 devs KEK one of em was Nivmett and the game was very back and forth, but in the late game they got an edge on us and our team went into full kekerdrive and we won a huge team fight which ended with us making a big comeback win. Pretty gud :100::100::100::joy_cat::ok_hand::okx99::okx99::okx99::okx99::haha::haha:

I also had a game where I did my first backdoor I was captain GJ I believe. Forgot who I was kek where mid was cleared and while the whole enemy team was busy killing 2 of my team mates Glaive went to the enemy base with me and BF behind War Treads kekerdrive mode initiated and we destroyed the enemy vain crystal just in time :joy_cat::ok_hand::joy_cat::ok_hand::100::100::100::100::100::100::100:

Update: Skaarf in Bot lane. Ping 3k+. Had to leave app. GG

Ugh… I hate it when that happens

First Hero: Baron.
Position: Lane
got good at CP baron. Then got good at WP baron. Now play Hybrid Baron.

Who said Hybrid doesn’t work. :eyes: