Saw is too op

Who isn’t, if you can’t 1v5 a team is scrubs your way he problem not them…

How about every hero’s weakness: The Jungle gank God Taka. Taka just kills all. Lol.

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Really? Just use Celeste and Skaarf (to deal with WP SAW if that is CP then the odds are 50-50). I’m a SAW main and Celeste and Skaarf are so annoying to deal with

Ringo can counter SAW beautifully if executed correctly, and Vox can counter SAW like a champion too.

I know, Saw really isn’t OP…

Vox and Ringo WP can’t. CP can though

vox can hold his ground in lane, and thanks to the fact that vox has a really cheap build (ps bp def def sb/bs boots), he can reach item spikes faster than saw. he’s alsovmobile so he could get to lane without worrying about the turrer falling (provided lane wasnt pushing in). he can’t win 1v1, but his waveclear and earlygame resonance still hurts saw’s “PUSH EARLYGAME WIN” mindset.

To be honest, I meet dudes at the same rank at me (7S) and they just get absolutely obliterated by me. Of course SAW vs Vox. I’m the SAW

ok thank you for your anecdote

And please, talking about CP, I can clear creeps faster than Vox CP

Vox WP early-game (very early game) can. Ringo can regardless of your build. Just practice.

Any skillshot hero counters saw. This includes Samuel. If you really need to, shop when once and let your first turret die. After you get 1 item, you will out range him and definitely beat the saw. If you had lesser gold than the saw, try practicing last hitting under the turret.

Also, if you can’t beat him, play him. You will realsie that hes not as OP as you think. You will also realise his weaknesses and be able to beat him when you vs him.

Both Idris paths can munch him if you prioritise upgrading your Chakram. Even with just a few basic damage items it isn’t very difficult to chunk SAW’s health rapidly. Just have to survive until then, which isn’t too hard since it isn’t long until your Chakram damage spikes, only a few minutes.

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Bait SAW.

Attack him inbetween supressing fires and retreat. Kill minions instead of trying to do damage to SAW in the early game, and force him to approach your turret with no minion waves to distract the turret. Use your turret for protection to force him back or to take chip damage.

In the late game, use hit-run or stun-team gank tactics. Don’t try to fight him alone.

Alternately, pick a ranged character and kite. SAW cannot take constant pummeling from ranged abilities if you aim well. Even before the nerf he struggled with this. Now his B should be buffed again to compensate, in my opinion. If you are melee, you should not be fighting SAW by yourself without some kind of long stun. The biggest two problems I see with SAW is people not matching up to him correctly, and people trying secure a kill on him knowing full well his attack speed is the highest in the game.

I repeat: don’t try to secure a kill on a SAW in his attack range without weakening him first.

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